Every Beat of My Heart (New York Sullivans 0.5) - Bella Andre Page 0,13

looks more fun than the showing I have in fifteen minutes with the most uptight couple you’ve ever met in your life.” She made a face. “But before I go, I wanted to give you even more good news. I convinced the property managers at those two estates next to Marcus and Nicola’s winery to let us have the houses for the wedding weekend.”

“That’s great news, Mia. Thank you.” Heather knew that Zach’s cousin Mia was the top Realtor in Seattle, but the Napa Valley estates weren’t even vacation rentals. They were private homes. How on earth had Mia managed to persuade the owners to let them use them?

As if she could read Heather’s mind, Sophie said, “Mia always has had a magic touch.”

“All Sullivan women do.” Lori winked at the group. “Speaking of magic, I was just on the phone with Brooke during my drive into the city. She’s really sorry she couldn’t make this meeting, but she said she’s pushing off her retail orders for the next two weeks so that she can focus on making special chocolates for your wedding.”

Heather wasn’t much of a crier—and she knew Vicki wasn’t either—but both of them got a little sniffly at that point.

Heather and Zach had agreed to wait until after the wedding to tell his family their big news, but she simply couldn’t hold it in anymore. Not when she was surrounded by such love. And not when she knew for sure that her children were never going to grow up the way she had—with parents whose lies had made her question whether real love actually existed. Now she knew for sure that love was real. Zach and his family proved it to her every single day.

“I have news too.”

Zach would take a bullet for anyone in his family—and so would Heather. She looked around the room at the women who had become her best friends in the world. Her sisters in every way that counted. Finally, she got to Mary. Zach’s mother was one of the warmest people on the planet, and from the overjoyed look in her eyes, Heather knew she had already guessed her news.

“Zach and I are going to have a baby.” Heather’s hand automatically went to her still-flat stomach.

Every woman in the room leaped to her feet for what amounted to the best group hug ever.

“I’m so happy for you.” Vicki held on to Heather even after the other women had moved away to open up a bottle of wine and toast each other. “No wonder Zach was so insistent about keeping the wedding date no matter what. Ryan and I can move ours so that the fifteenth can be all yours.”

“No way.” By now, Heather couldn’t imagine having any other wedding. “Ryan also looked really intense about making sure he married you in two weeks. And I know it’s what you want, as well.”

Vicki hugged Heather again. “Promise me you’ll save a spot on your mantel. Because I just got the perfect idea for your wedding gift.”

Heather and Zach were already lucky enough to own one of Vicki’s sculptures. Though they now sold in the mid-six figures, last Christmas Vicki had given them clay figurines of Atlas and Cuddles curled up together in the dog bed they shared. It was one of Heather’s most prized possessions and made her smile every time she looked at it.

“I’ve got a good idea for you too,” Heather said. One of her favorite dogs that came to Top Dog—a miniature poodle and Pekingese mix—was about to have a litter of puppies. By the time the puppies were nine weeks old and ready to find homes, Ryan and Vicki should be back from their honeymoon. If they wanted one of the sweet little bundles of fur, she’d make sure they could have first pick.

Heather and Vicki had only just sat down when little Emma, Jackie, and Smith came barreling out of Chloe’s back room where her babysitter was watching the kids during the wedding planning. The college student had baby Logan on one arm and baby Julia on the other as she chased the bigger kids. “Sorry, they heard everyone cheering and were desperate to be a part of the celebrations.”

“Mommy!” Emma climbed into Chloe’s outstretched arms. “What did we miss?”

Chloe nuzzled her daughter before looking at Heather. When she nodded, Chloe said, “Aunt Heather and Uncle Zach are going to have a baby.”

With unerring aim, Emma threw herself into Heather’s arms and gave her a big wet

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