Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,92

table. “What is that?”

Mack has climbed the counter to reach a mug from the cabinet, and she calls over her shoulder, “The brownies dragged it in from the front porch this morning.”

I study the package. “What if it’s like the poisonous mushrooms, but worse?”

“Worse than a mushroom that blows killer spores into your face?” Eclipsa drawls. “That’s hard to top, but not impossible in the Everwilde. However, I very much doubt the culprit would add a card.”

I choke on my coffee. Valerian?

I rush to the dining table, grab a kitchen knife, and cut the ribbon. On the inside waits soft green and gold fabric. I run my finger over it, then remember the card.

The simple white envelope reads Summer Solstice. I pull out the card with a smiling pug on the front, confused. Cute, but definitely not Valerian’s style.

Mack rips the card away and begins to read it.

“Thief!” I shout, chasing after her. She stops with her back to me, and I nearly collide into her. “Who’s it from?”

She whips around, grinning. “Zinnia and Vi. They sewed you a shadow Guardian uniform in your Summer Court colors.”

“What?” My heart leaps. Other than a few quick texts, I haven’t been able to talk to anyone from home.

This means they haven’t forgotten about me. I quickly read the note, scrawled in Zinnia’s slanted cursive.

Thought you might need a new uniform now.

My chest swells with emotion. I told Zinnia how all the other shadows had custom-fitted uniforms, but I never thought she would go this far.

I lift the outfit from the box. Light and springy, the lycra fabric must have cost them a fortune. Tears I won’t allow myself to shed wet the corners of my eyes. “They must have taken weeks to make this.”

Eclipsa runs an admiring hand over the seams. “It’s beautiful.”

“And . . . it has pockets,” Mack adds. “Like, so many pockets.”

I rush upstairs, yank off my clothes, and shimmy into the stretchy emerald green suit. Once it’s zipped, the measurements fitted perfectly to my figure, I snap a picture in the bathroom mirror and then text it to Zinnia, along with the caption, I love it!

The three little dots appear on the screen as Zinnia types. I leave the chat open as I brush my teeth and quickly pull my hair into a high ponytail. But when I check the text message, she hasn’t responded.

Frowning, I push my disappointment aside. Zinnia and the others must be so busy. I can’t expect them to respond every time I message. I send a GIF with hearts that says I LOVE YOU and then focus on finding my weapons belt and shoulder holster in the pile of laundry in my room. Most of the weapons we have to rent out at the gym before we leave, but I hide two everyday folding knives in the pockets at my waist.

Ruby sits on the bed, having a tea party with Tall Goat and one of the poor brownies, who’s bound by a shoestring. Ruby’s sleepy half-open eyes watch me above the strawberry pop tart she’s annihilating. Crumbs litter the duvet.

I glare at her, but it’s too early to remind her she’s not supposed to have sugar for breakfast. Or eat in my bed. Or kidnap and bind the brownies.

She glances up at me. “Is that a blade in your pocket or are you happy to see me?”

I pick up the poor brownie, loosen her ties, and set her free. “Are you going to be okay here for the day without me?”

The pop tart goes flying as she zips around my head, clapping her hands. “Where are we going? Is it dangerous? Are there treats? I want to go!”

I sigh. Mack is going to kill me but . . .

“Please oh please oh please oh—”

“There will be darklings. You know, the flesh eating humans turned zombie? Sharp teeth? A taste for sprites?” I don’t actually know if that’s true. Darklings seem to be equal opportunity predators. “You really don’t have to go.”

A solemn look overtakes her normally impish face, and she claps a hand over her heart. “Wherever you go, I go. Remember, you’re never alone.”

She squeals as I pluck her from the air and kiss her tiny face. “You’re the best, Ruby.”

“I know.”

I set my narcissistic sprite down and search for my boots. In a few hours we’ll be around real life darklings. More importantly, I’ll be as close as I’ll ever get to Hellebore’s past school. If he’s hiding anything from his

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