Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,73

terrible acts against my will. Humiliate me ten times worse than before.

Instead, he just stares at me with his head tilted, eyes bright with an unreadable emotion, as if he can’t quite figure me out.

“Sometimes a flyswatter works just as well,” I say, refusing to look away from his impassive gaze. Refusing to back down.

I’m miles past the point of no return, and there’s no point playing nice now.

“I’ll remember that.” He winks. “Now hop along, little rabbit, before I decide I’m hungry after all.”

By this time, Mack is practically jerking me away while Asher circles the scene, eyes pits of flame. Eclipsa has positioned herself between Hellebore and me, a curved blade dripping from each hand. Even Ruby has poked her head from the clutch, her face covered in powdered sugar, and looks ready to throw down.

The reality sinks in. He’s letting me go. Why? Everything about his actions lately are confusing. And Freesia . . .

He’s pivoting to leave. I should let him, but . . .

Girl code forces me to act. I lean in close to the Spring Court Heir and whisper, “You should check on Freesia,” low enough that hopefully only he hears. “She’s not doing well. Actually, I’m worried about her.”

His back is halfway turned, his face in profile. I catch a muscle feather in his jaw, his lips pressing together cruelly as he twists until I can see the coldness in his eyes. “My sister is responsible for her own actions and the consequences.”

His callous tone would be enough to make me believe that, if not for the way his hands fist at his sides.

“She was on the seventy-fifth floor, if you change your mind.”

His brow furrows, anger seeping into his expression. “Why would you do that?”

“Because, unlike you, I don’t think innocent people are collateral in this war.”

He drags a hand through his honey-gold hair, and when he looks at me, his eyes are missing their usual bored loathing. “In a few minutes, Inara will drag you in front of the crowd so she can take out her jealous rage publicly.”

“If you’re warning me to leave, that’s not going to happen.”

A soft laugh slips from his lips. “I just thought you should be ready. In case you had something planned for her tonight.”

Icy shock slices through my veins. He knows. It’s crazy, but he does. How?

“I must warn you,” he continues in that lazy drawl. “If you go through with your plan, even I won’t be able to protect you from her rage.”

His words slowly sink in. He’s not going to stop me. I swallow, trying to assimilate this new information with what I know already.

Hellebore isn’t allied with Inara. He’s working to destroy her right alongside me. Honestly, I’m starting to wonder if he’s just doing all of this to watch the Fae courts consume themselves, like the snake that eats its tail.

“Thanks.” I practically spit the word. Hellebore is still my enemy, and once the Nocturus rolls around, I’ll punish him for his multitude of sins. But right now, destroying Inara is my singular goal.

She’s the giant, spoiled obstacle that stands between me and the student body. Once she falls, the others will be brave enough to follow someone else.

Hellebore is still in league with the Darken, which puts him next on my hit list. But right now, we share the same goal—topple Inara’s reign.

And that makes the enemy of my enemy, well, my ally.

In a twisted sense that I’ll probably regret very soon.

“You are welcome.” A wicked grin tilts up the corners of Hellebore’s lips, his naughty gaze sliding to Eclipsa. “See? I’m made of nothing but honey.”

“Until you decide to sting,” Eclipsa snarls in response, causing Hellebore to chuckle before slipping through the crowd. If I was a gambling woman, I would bet anything he is going to find his sister.

Mack throws her head back and downs her martini. “Can someone please pinch me so I know that really happened?”

Ruby darts over and pinches Mack’s arm, barely evading the sequin purse Mack tries to clobber Ruby with.

“It happened. Even more astounding, I think he was telling the truth.” I stare at my hand, still red from where I slapped him. “I’m starting to think we have Hellebore’s motives all wrong.”

His alliance with the Darken isn’t driven by hatred for Valerian, even if he does despise him.

Eclipsa raises an inquisitive eyebrow, but I shake my head and give her a tell-you-later look. Any second now, Inara will spot me and

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