Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,68

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Inara tilts her head in my direction, the icy crown atop her aquamarine hair glinting. A cruel smile carves into her frozen mask, sending a frisson of dread jolting down my spine. “Finally, our entertainment has arrived. How wonderful, right, Prince?”

She’s not talking to Hellebore. I know that because the electricity in my belly has become a raging fire, my heart slamming itself into my sternum in the way it does for only one person.

Or rather, Fae.

The courtiers blocking my view move, and I lock eyes with Valerian to find him already watching me. The raw torment darkens his ice-colored eyes to steel, his full lips wrenched into a grimace, as if bracing himself for . . . pain.

The pain I cause him.

Despite the tension that clogs the air, something passes between us. A shared emotion of longing and friendship and rage.

Are you hurt?

His growly voice reaches deep inside me, and I fight off the shiver it causes, quickly dipping my head in a subtle nod before he can do something dumb.

Darken take me, that dress is going to be the death of me.

The growl of his voice is now a wolfish rumble that reverberates through my entire body, pulsating heat into the most sensitive parts and . . . oh, hell, the flicker of surprise and desire in his eyes says he’s picked up on my reaction.

His nostrils flare, something animalistic and desperate coming over him.

Is this what they want? To watch us squirm in agony as the bond reacts, cutting deeper and deeper like a wound that never heals until it festers?

If that’s their plan, this is only the first act. I drag in a breath, trying to galvanize my defenses for what’s to come.

I find out almost immediately what that is when Hellebore leans down, his honeydew breath warming my ear. “They say the male mate suffers an agony ten times that of the female when he cannot touch her.”

Keeping my eyes riveted to Valerian’s, I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from reacting. To prevent more pain on Valerian’s part as he watches, unable to do anything to stop this.

“You look uncomfortable. Would you like to leave?”

Startled, I turn. What’s Hellebore playing at?

But my mind, fuzzy from fending off wave after wave of misery, zeros in on what he’s offering. Escape. Relief from the growing distress and hatred pressing in on all sides. More importantly, stopping the overwhelming anguish poisoning Valerian’s face.

“Yes. Please.”

He holds out his hand and I take it, so desperate to get away from this nightmare situation that—

That I forget the cardinal rule.

The one that’s always kept me relatively safe.

Don’t touch Hellebore’s skin.

Something very close to full-fledged terror impales my heart, but the waves of Hellebore’s magic are already flooding up my arm and spilling into my body.


I try to fight as that velvety warmth fills me, try to pull my hand away, but he twines his fingers through mine and . . . oh, God, why do I want to pull him closer? It’s the magic, I know it’s the magic but—but when did he become so attractive?

Our audience fades. His eyes are mesmerizing. The striations of violet inside the blue draw my attention. His fingers tighten, each stroke of his thumb over my palm causing me to purr with pleasure.

The pull of the bond goes numb until it’s a dull ache. I forget my mate. Forget Inara and the others.

I inhale Hellebore’s spring floral scent as he leans in, whispering, “Do you know what’s even more painful than not being able to touch you?”

Who is he talking about? I should remember but all I want in the world is to kiss him. To feel the euphoria and pleasure his touch guarantees. His magic settles deeper inside me, filling the hollow places I’ve kept hidden, whispering promises to douse the pain and sadness.

“Watching another male kiss you.”

The part of me that understands what’s happening screams to resist. But I can’t. A fire of need consumes my every thought but one—kiss him.

Hellebore waits until I’m practically clawing at his neck trying to pull him closer, until I’m whining with need, the fire consuming my flesh, and then he crushes my mouth with his. His tongue parts my lips violently.

Shame wells up, shame and need and disgust, but I can’t stop.

A growl splits the night, shattering the spell. Hellebore’s magic retreats, leaving a trail of scorched earth inside me as I realize what I’ve done.

Someone screams. I turn in time to

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