Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,49

note to thank her later.

Totally clueless to our attention, Mack grabs Jace in a rear naked choke, laughing as he tries to defend it. I know that she’s only horsing around, that Jace isn’t—and will never be—her type.

Not unless he can suddenly transform into a hulking piece of man candy that breathes fire and has the humor of an adolescent boy.

But Asher doesn’t know that, and a wounded look crosses his face as he tears his gaze away.

“I should go find the prince.” Asher lifts his mitts.

I help him slip them off, marveling at how each one is the exact size of my head. “See you later?”

Asher is coming to my evening training session.

“Wouldn’t miss it. Good job today.” He gives me a fist bump, his hand easily five times the size of mine. “If not for those round ears and your hesitation to finish him, I would have thought you were Fae.”

“Thanks, I think.” I’m still not sure if being confused for Fae is actually a good thing. “I don’t think taking down Rhaegar will solve all my problems, but at least now they know I’m not going to take their crap lying down.”

He playfully clubs my arm, and I nearly fall over. “Damn straight, Princess.”

I follow him off the mat and grab my water while he changes. And while normally changing would mean disrobing in the locker room like a normal person, he begins unzipping his training uniform here. In front of the entire third year shadow class.

Mack stops mid-chat with Jace and open-mouth stares.

I clap a hand over my mouth—

Thank the Shimmer, he’s wearing something beneath.

Although really, it’s debatable if the thin heather gray undershirt and tight black spatz hide anything from the imagination.

“Um, if you’re trying to explode the ovaries of every single woman in here,” I mutter, glancing behind at his rapt audience, “mission accomplished.”

His warm chuckle sounds like molten desire as it echoes through the gym. “I haven’t even taken off my shirt yet.”

“Well, maybe don’t do that—”

I swear even Mrs. Richter gasps as he strips off his thin tee, showing off those wide shoulders that taper to a surprisingly lithe waist. Twin dragon tats curl over his huge chest. The idiot flexes his pecs, making the dragons dance playfully.

Eclipsa halts across the room, the grappling dummy she carries held over one shoulder, and whistles.

Mrs. Richter marches over, one hand over her eyes as if his nipples might shoot laser beams. “Mr. Grayscale, that is quite enough.” I’ve never seen the combat instructor so flustered. She peeks through her fingers at his beautiful abs before repeating, “Just—just quite enough.”

Hands on her bony hips, she marches back to the gaping shadows. “You have five minutes to make my equipment shine like new. Get to work.”

Yikes. Ruby takes this exact moment to flit over, perform a weird dance that’s a cross between humping the air and making out with her hand, and blurts, “That’s what she said.”

Asher shoots Ruby a rare grin, and I groan as the two forget their species’ natural hatred toward one another and trade crass jokes that would make Aunt Vi keel over.

“Titania help me,” Eclipsa murmurs, dropping the grappling dummy by my feet, “I think this thing has more common sense than the two of them put together.”

Asher takes his time drying the sweat from his torso and fluffing the wrinkles from his clean shirt before pulling it over his head. The poor T-shirt barely fits his massive frame, and it does little to hide the powerful body beneath.

Eclipsa crosses her arms. “Are you aware that you’re shopping for your shirts in the kids’ section?”

Asher flexes his biceps. “Or maybe these babies can’t be contained.”

“Summer, have I mentioned dragon shifters make up for their tiny packages with giant egos?”

I can’t help but double check her claim against his skin-tight spatz. Welp, that’s a lie.

“That’s a low blow, even for you, assassin.”

Eclipsa blows him a kiss. “Shoo, you oversized lizard. You’ve thoroughly made Mack forget that poor boy’s name and now we have to train.”

Asher runs his fingers through his brown hair, making the act as seductive as possible before casting a look back at Mack. “Princess, do you mind telling your friend that if she wants to practice her moves, I’m available.”

Eclipsa’s snarl sends him toward the door, but he makes sure to walk super slow, completely aware that every eye is glued to his ass.

I laugh. “So that was all like a mating ritual to get her attention?”

Eclipsa’s scowl darkens.

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