Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,38

bulging. She has the audacity to look hurt, as if our engagement is real, not something that’s been planned by our parents for centuries, forged with violence and the threat of death.

“Taking Summer somewhere to heal her. You should be thankful, considering my next move is finding who hurt her and punishing them.”

“You think I did that?” Her incredulity makes her voice sound brittle, like the last frost in spring.

“Yes, I do.”

“And you’ll risk dying to help her?”

“Again, yes.”

I don’t know what love is. Not the human kind, although for Summer, I’ll try. But I do know that for the rest of this life and all the others, I will protect her. And if that means giving up my life, so be it.

Hellebore smiles at Inara’s pain, feasting off it like a selkie does male Fae flesh. “That’s my property, Winter Prince.”

“Funny, that ownership you claim wasn’t enough to protect her. Why aren’t you searching for the Fae who dared hurt your property?” I cringe at the words. Summer will never be anyone’s property, not even mine.

“I can’t help it if she tripped. So clumsy.”

“If you won’t punish the asshole who dared touch her, I will.”

“Funny, the only person deserving of punishment is you. By Faerie law, I now have full immunity to kill you.”

I return the bastard’s smile with one of my own. “You can try.”

“Are you a complete idiot? You have just given me countless reasons to wage war on your court. All for a female.”

“Here’s the thing, Hell. I love my court. I’ve given my life to protecting it, learning how to be cruel and cutthroat to guard its power, sacrificing my blood and happiness to safeguard every inch of territory under our banner. But if it comes to my kingdom or my mate, I choose her every time.”

Every. Fucking. Time.

“Then you’re a fool.”

“Perhaps. But at least if I die, someone will be around to miss me.”

“I suppose we’ll find out.” His bored gaze slides over Summer. “Last chance to return what’s mine.”

Behind him the rest of the Six gather. I tilt my head as I take in my former friends. Lyra and Bane are no surprise, and of course Rhaegar has joined the merry little crew. As soon as Hellebore arrived and started marking territory, Rhaegar fell in line. He’s always been too weak to lead.

But Kimber should know better, and I let my stare linger on the vampire a few seconds until her gaze collapses to her feet.

“How about this,” the Spring Court pretty-boy offers, examining his manicured nails. “Hand her over right now and I will only have one of your friends whipped until their flesh is flayed from their bones and they beg for death. You even get to choose which one.”

Summer stirs in my arms. My mending energy has staved off the pain, but I need full focus to complete the healing.

Time to end this.

“Here’s how this is going to go.” My grin dies as I lower the armored walls holding in my magic. Just a hair’s width. Enough to let a sliver of it trickle outward. To let them feel its cold bite as it burrows into their marrow. “I’m going to take my mate somewhere private to heal her. Then, once every inch of her skin is mended, you can have me publicly whipped. In fact, I’m sure there’s nothing you’d like more than to do it yourself.”

A spark of excitement flashes in those dead eyes, the psycho. “I accept.”

Of course you do.

“No!” Inara snaps, sensing her current favorite toy—me—is about to lose its luster. “You can’t just let him—”

“Inara,” Hellebore cuts in, his eyes never leaving mine, “when I want your pretty little lips flapping, it won’t be for conversation.”

Wow, this guy really deserves to be kicked in the teeth a few times.

Inara’s eyes flash murder, but she obeys. The habit of submitting to more powerful Fae males has been ingrained in her since birth, starting with her father. She doesn’t stand a chance against a prick like Hellebore.

That’s the difference between Inara and Summer. My mate doesn’t cower from bullies. Her spirit is unbreakable, her ferocious tenacity a force of nature that matches her kind heart.

That’s something Inara will never understand.

“Then it’s settled.” I turn to Eclipsa, who actually looks a bit disappointed she doesn’t get to carve up the Spring Court dickhead. “Can you portal us to Summer’s campus cottage?”

Her home will most certainly be spelled against outside portals, but since Eclipsa lives there she can override

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