Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,136

me settle her on top of the white tablecloth.

I’m only halfway aware of the panic surrounding us. Something happened to the darklings when Summer destroyed the Darken’s axe—and now they writhe over the meadow, more mortal than monster, weak and confused.

I couldn’t care less about the darklings or the terrified wedding guests. My entire focus is on Summer. My mate. The only fucking good thing in my life.

I keep talking to her while I wait for Asher and Eclipsa. Discussing random, trivial things. Mack speaks to her as well, and Ruby. All of us giving her reasons not to leave this life.

When Asher and Eclipsa return, the dragon shifter holds someone in his arms. But it’s not until I see the vibrant red hair and emerald and gold brocade dress that I understand who.

They went to the academy for Summer’s Fae Princess body. Back when she was Hyacinth and I first fell in love with her. After her father killed her, her body was sent to the academy, frozen by magic and suspended above the weapons’ vault.

“Make room,” Eclipsa orders.

Slipping my arm under Summer’s neck and waist, I gently pull her to the edge of the table nearest to me, while Asher settles Summer’s old Fae body next to her. It’s strange staring down at the two versions of the girl you love, but I know now that I would take her in any version. Any at all.

I just want my mate back.

Eclipsa rests her hands palm down over both Summers. “Let’s hope this works.”

I bite back the order on my tongue. Nothing I say or do will help at this point other than telling Summer to stay.

Clenching my jaw so hard I fear my teeth will shatter, I watch my mate for any signs of life. Her mortal body is beyond repair, but her Fae body is immortal and can still harness her soul.

Eclipsa’s lips move quietly as she murmurs the strange soulmancy incantations I’ve always found creepy. I hardly dare blink as I watch, willing Summer to come back. On the other side of the table, Mack sobs softly in Asher’s arms while Ruby strokes Summer’s cheek.

Please, Summer. If you can hear me, come back to me. Come back.

Eclipsa is growing frustrated, her shoulders tight, words coming faster. “I—I’m sorry, it’s not—”

“Keep trying!” I growl.

She does. Minutes pass. Mack’s sobs grow louder. Asher gently turns Mack away.

Something draws my attention to Summer’s Fae form in time to see her red eyelashes flutter. A gasp parts her lips. And then those green eyes slide open. Eclipsa doesn’t stop, her focus growing more concentrated as she works to finish the spell.

Slowly, the features of Summer’s old Fae form begin to change. Those wide, freckled cheeks lifting, nose tip shortening, lips plumping into the ones I kissed not twenty-four hours ago. That lustrous red hair bleaches from the roots to the ends until it’s the platinum waves I love running through my fingers.

Finally, those green eyes transform to hazel. She’s exactly as before—or, at least, almost. Now she’s Fae, immortal, her ears long, delicate, and pointed just like mine.

Her head tilts until our eyes meet. “Valerian?”

I rush to her side, grabbing her hand. “You came back.”

She manages a weak smile. “Always.” Her gaze shifts to her old body and then her hands flutter to her ears. “I feel . . . different but the same.”

“You’re Fae now.” I watch her face for any signs of disappointment, but she takes the news in stride.

“Did you see your sister?”


“Long story,” Eclipsa says. “But she’s over there, if you want to chat later.”

“And my mother?” Just asking those words is painful, but I have to know if she’s here.

Eclipsa shakes her head.

I spend the next few minutes checking Summer over to ensure she’s fine.

Then, fighting the urge to scoop her into my arms and take her somewhere far away from this chaotic mess, I stand back and allow Summer’s friends to see her. I have an eternity to show my mate that I love her.

And I’ll spend every second of that time making sure she knows that.


Some days, when I stare out the immaculately clean floor-to-ceiling window looking down onto Central Park, I can almost see my mother standing right here where I am. Dressed to kill, her long, beautiful red hair pulled into a bun, a hand on her hip as she surveyed her kingdom.

She said it was our kingdom, but it would have always been hers, just like this office. No matter

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