Evermore Academy (Evermore Academy #3) - Audrey Grey Page 0,134

and vinegar and life. How could I hate that?”

Her hand slackens in mine, her eyes closing halfway, and I know. I just know she’s gone.

I stand. Numb. Prepared to do whatever it takes to protect the rest of those I love.

“That is sad,” my mother says, sparing a glance at Aunt Vi before turning her attention on Hellebore. “Now, give me what you promised.”

Hellebore hasn’t taken his eyes off my aunt.

He almost looks confused. Slowly, that confusion changes into something else. Something very close to pain.

I stiffen as he approaches.

He leans into me, his floral breath brushing my ear as he says, “I loved Haley like a sister. My aunt took her away as punishment, but I didn’t know she was pregnant, or what became of her.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I thought I was protecting Freesia.” His voice is brittle, dripping with hatred that I suspect is for himself. “Instead, I became the very monster she fears.”

“What are you doing?” my mother snaps.

He retreats a few inches so that I can see his face. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I’ve never seen a love as brave or bright as yours.”

I blink, shock taking over.

In a voice strong enough for all to hear, he says, “Summer Solstice, I release you from our engagement contract. My court has no hold over you.”

His back is to my mother, so she doesn’t see as he slips the necklace into my hand.

His eyes drift to the bracelet around my wrist. “Valerian isn’t the only one whose magic is being controlled.”

Then he turns to face Valerian. “Valerian Sylverfrost, my magic binds yours no longer.”

The circlet around Valerian’s wrist falls away.

“What are you doing?” my mother hisses.

“I have no idea,” Hellebore admits, “but it feels pretty fucking good.”

Her gaze darts to the necklace in my fingers, and then back to him. “You can’t break our bargain, the magic will curse you. You will wither away until you’re an empty husk.”

He gives a dark laugh. “I suppose it’s good, then, that I’m already empty.”

She turns to me. “Hyacinth, give me the axe piece.”

I look around at my friends before glaring at her. “Come and get it.”

She shakes her head as if I’m a silly child. Then she nods to Rhaegar, and he brings the sword down until the glittering tip rests on the back of Valerian’s neck.

My body goes cold all over. “You need him alive.”

“Do I? Soulmancy works on the freshly dead.” Smiling, she beckons me over. “Stop this nonsense and come here, Hyacinth.” She wiggles her fingers like I’m a ten-year-old throwing a silly tantrum. “Come on. Come here, darling.”

I hold up the final axe piece, wondering how something so small could bring so much pain. Sunlight glints off the musgravite jewel of my bracelet, drawing my attention to that arm and the faint metallic scroll marking my flesh. Hellebore’s flowers are gone.

The bond.

It’s still there.

When Hellebore released me from my contract, that must have unlocked something. I can feel the bond growing, the amplified magic churning inside me, trying to get out.

What did Hellebore say about binding magic?

My focus darts to the bracelet again, but this time with new eyes. My mother needs the Darken’s soulstone to finish the ceremony. Where better to hide it than on me?

But she wanted me to wear it when she found out my magic had returned, so there must be a reason why.

The soulstone is binding my magic.

“This is the last time I ask,” my mother warns.

I look down at Valerian. He’s unmoving, eyes closed as if sleeping. His dark, midnight-blue hair ruffling in the breeze. He looks so peaceful.

As the bond inside me grows, I feel his love for me, and mine for him. I feel the promise of our future together.

Which makes what I have to do that much harder.

Hardly daring to breathe, I approach my mother. Each step convinces me a little more that I’m doing the right thing. When I’m close enough that I can touch her, I halt, slipping the bracelet off my arm.

“I knew you would come to me eventually, sweet girl.” My mother smiles.

Smiling back, I focus on that trapped power I feel lurking inside the bracelet. The magic from our consummated bond is begging to escape the Darken’s soulstone. Begging to be used. And there’s so much of it. Enough power to destroy the entire island—if I wanted that.

The Darken’s soulstone might be siphoning my magic, but my mother doesn’t know that I can take magic from anything.

Focusing on

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