Ever My Merlin - By Priya Ardis Page 0,50

glare at me, she repeated, “You clean it up.”

I repressed a sigh. “As you wish, princess. Get the bedrolls ready. We get up early.”

“I know,” she muttered as she marched off. The end of the bow she slung around her shoulder slapped against the back of her legs. Made for someone much bigger than she, the curved bow had an elegant design, but was very simple at the same time. Considering the amount of gold in the hidden chamber, I had no doubt it was specially made for her.

I stepped out of the cave.

“You’re letting her walk all over you,” a thin boy said. He held a slim sword in his hand as he stood on sentry duty. I walked to him and silently directed him to correct his stance. He eagerly complied. Worry clouded his eyes still, but they also held a sliver of hope. We were far from his destroyed home, and everyday he grew stronger and the grip on his sword grew more adept.

I asked, “Anything to report?”

“No one.”

I nodded. I managed to grab some handfuls of gold and a few other supplies on my way out of Carthage. Through luck, I evaded the other soldiers and escaped the city without drawing attention. Besides the supplies, I also acquired two additional burdens. I called myself twice mad for giving in to their pathetic doe-like gazes and allowing the two children to accompany me. I knew better than to let innocent pair of eyes to affect me. Yet, there was something about the little princess that tugged at me. As if I was meant to know her… I shook my head, disgusted with myself for even thinking such useless thoughts

Nearly one month later, we were camped in the middle of a forest in Gaul. I would not have made it so far so quickly without the aid of a tiny little girl with delicate hands and a royal pedigree. The cave, our rest stop for the night, lay high up. We were trying to remain as far away from the greatest predator that roamed the woods—man.

Septimus. The depths of the man’s debauchery, the depths I’d been forced to sink into with him, I would bear on my soul forever. I wished I had the power to heal him, so I could gut the rotting bastard again. I cursed myself for even thinking of him. The crystal necklace sat heavily around my neck. I had its brother, but nothing I tried worked. The crystal held my magic bound without mercy. I remained powerless.

A creek flowed at the mouth of the cave and water thundered down over slippery boulders. A smattering of rocks made the creek easy to cross. Red rays of the fading sun danced off the smooth stones and leaves floated down harmoniously as they fell off the nearby trees.

I had no idea what lay ahead. First, we must survive today.

I drew out a knife from my belt. “Stay alert, Lord Perseus. I’ll return shortly.”

He made a face. “I asked you not to call me that name. Our kingdom is lost. My father is gone. My mother is…” The boy stared up into the setting sun, tears brimming at the edges of his eyes. “I have nothing.”

The remark hit uncomfortably close to the bone, but I had something the boy didn’t—a brother, one who waited for me to find my way back home.

I asked, “What should I call you then?”

“We travel toward Britannia. I should like a new name for a new home.” Then, he bit his lip. Uncertainty fell over a youthful face that couldn’t have seen more than ten seasons. “I don’t know. I shall have to think on it.”

“Keep an eye on your sister,” I said, walking into the forest.

“As if anyone could,” the boy groused. “She only ever listened to our mother.”

I had to agree. The baby princess, with her big, innocent eyes, was a real hellion. Exactly as she said, I found a small doe pinned to a tree, hanging on the shaft of her arrow. She made one clean shot through the side. It didn’t suffer. The princess hit the correct spot to cause minimum pain. Lifting my knife, I jabbed it into the deer’s tough skin. I got to work. A few hours later, my stomach full of venison, I yawned.

Only small embers remained in the fire.

“Asana agni.” I tried. Nothing happened.

With a grimace, I placed dry twigs to keep the low fire burning during the night. A murmur escaped from

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