Ever My Merlin - By Priya Ardis Page 0,107

I don’t know how we’re going to live through what’s coming, but I do know the gargoyles must stay united. Now is not the time for us to splinter. If you fall into a civil war, none of you will survive.”

“He’s right,” Grey said. He walked up the slope. Gia and Colin walked up with him.

Colin drew out a knife. Uttering a small command, he changed it into a sword. He handed it to Grey. “We follow him.”

“Not if I win. Then you will bow to me. You will have no choice.” Oliver laughed from beside Vane. The hierarchical nature of the gargoyles demanded it. It physically hurt them to refuse a direct command from their king or even their clan leader. It was the downside to being part of a super-strong, nearly indestructible beast.

Gia gnashed her teeth. “I’ll happily kill you. That will take care of the problem.”

“You’re nothing but a coward, Oliver,” Grey sneered.

Vane held up Excalibur. The shining metal blade sword gleamed in the darkness, catching the light of the moon. It glowed with banked energy.

The most powerful sword in the world, and Vane handed it to Oliver.

Oliver took it with a gleeful smile.

For a second, I simply couldn’t believe it. He’d betrayed us. Truly betrayed me.

My stomach turned. In protest and in denial.

Grey, too, stilled at the unexpected development.

I begged, “Vane, no.”

Vane ignored me. I fought against the freeze spell. Desperate for freedom. Desperate to help Grey. Furious at the prison forced on me. It was all a lie. The hope I carried was based on one belief—that he’d never deliberately hurt us. That belief lay shattered with one single act. Mentally, I pulled hard on the Dragon’s Eye. One arm broke free of Vane’s magical stronghold. It wasn’t nearly enough.

I shouted into his head, “If he dies, I’ll never forgive you.”

The answer that came back was succinct and edged with sadness. “I know.”

The sadness made it that much more chilling. Tears prickled at my eyes and spilled. A mournful symphony traveled from the ballroom to wrap around us as the dance hurried to a close. Under the soulful cry of the moon, knowing there was nothing I could do to help him, I watched my brother go to his death.




Swords clanked and hacked at each other. Excalibur moved with ruthless precision, but Oliver couldn’t seem to figure out how to command it. Grey and Oliver fought furiously, even for skilled swordsmen. Both attacked each other with desperate determination. Both knew there wouldn’t be a second chance. In a surprise twist, Grey punched Oliver with his free hand.

The powerful blow sent Oliver reeling back. Grey knocked Excalibur out of Oliver’s hands. Oliver fell to his knees. Grey’s sword swung at Oliver’s neck.

Oliver panted. “Stop. You win.”

Grey stopped it just at his skin.

Vane shook his head. “Only one can remain, Ragnar.”

“I’m not a murderer.” Grey lifted his sword and stepped away.

Oliver retrieved Excalibur.

“Grey, watch out,” I cried in warning.

An amulet glowed around Oliver’s neck. A fireball formed in his hand. He threw it at Grey. Gia jumped in front. It hit her squarely in the chest.

“Gia!” Grey raged as he caught her.

The wizards among the gargoyles ran forward. Grey thrust Gia at them and grabbed the dropped sword. He snarled at Oliver. “You’re dead, Oliver.”

Something changed in Grey. The fury I’d seen him repress several times blazed forward. The shadow of the beast slipped over him as he thrust Gia’s limp body at Colin. He raised his sword and met Oliver. He knocked Excalibur away. His blade sank into Oliver’s stomach. He pulled it back out. Oliver fell forward and landed on his knees. Grey swung his sword. As he did, his face changed. The beast took over. A Cro-Magnon forehead protruded and his teeth elongated as he transformed.

Frozen in place, I watched my brother become the gargoyle king.

“No one move.” A voice came from the shadows farther down the slope.

In a few seconds, a contingent of soldiers, about a hundred or so, dressed in black cargos surrounded the pond. They all held long black rifles. Robin and Frank, the two spies, stepped out of the shadows with Matt. Intermingled among the Regular soldiers were several young wizards in prom-wear. Two wizards and Marilynn, still looking like me, rushed to Gia. Relief went through me as they began healing her.

Their eyes took in Oliver’s decapitation.

Unperturbed by the soldiers, Vane locked eyes on Matt. “New friends?”

“They’re a little

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