Even Vampires Get the Blues - By Katie MacAlister Page 0,6

our souls, and him being damned and all. Same old, same old."

"Well, I am damned! You don't have the slightest concept what it is to be in my position," Paen argued. "You have no idea the torment, the pain - "

"' - the agony of living each day without any hope, without love shared with a soulmate, without any chance at redemption,'" his brothers all chanted together.

Paen growled. He loved his brothers, but there were times when he would pay good money to be an only child.

"And yet you claim you're perfectly happy that way. We've told you that we'd move heaven and earth to help you find your Beloved," Avery said. "Just say the word, and we'll scour the length and breadth of Scotland for her. The whole of Britain, even!"

"I met a woman yesterday you might like," Daniel said thoughtfully. "I could ring her up before we leave - "

"No!" Paen said quickly, a little chill running through him. "I've had enough of Avery all but pimping for me - I've no need for any more of you bringing home women you just know will turn out to be my Beloved. I don't need a woman to save me. I'm perfectly happy, in a completely non-brooding way, just as I am, and besides, I'm well on the way to locating the Simla Gestor Coda."

"Oh, not that faery story again," Daniel said, rolling his eyes.

"It's not a faery story."

"I know, I know," Daniel said, holding up his hands. "This book you're always going on about supposedly contains the details about the origins of Dark Ones, including a way to unmake the curse binding you guys."

"Exactly. I just have to find it, and I will be able to lift the curse myself. Completely without the assistance of any interfering woman, thank you."

"Paen, you've looked for the last twenty-five years for that manuscript - I think it's time you admit it doesn't exist," Avery said. The others nodded. "I don't know why you're so bent on fighting the fact that you need a woman to save you. Women are nice! They are smooth, and they smell good, and god knows they do things to my body that make my eyes cross with bliss. You need to get off this high horse of 'I'll save myself and get with the program, brother. Find your Beloved, let her save you, and make lots of little Paens."

Paen glared at his irresponsible brother. "Just because I can keep my dick in my pants and you can't - "

"Oh, I can, it's just a lot more fun out and about," Avery answered, pausing to punch Finn in the shoulder until keys to a car were handed over. "Ta, mate. We're off to this abbey of fun. I'll call and let you know how many women I manage to find there, too."

"Between the fast cars and faster women, you're going to kill yourself one of these days," Paen warned.

"One of the perks of being immortal, brother, is the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want, and to hell with the consequences. You should try it sometime."

A muscle in Paen's jaw twitched. "One of us has to have some responsibility and keep things together while Mum and Dad are off."

Avery rolled his eyes and left the sitting room. Daniel grabbed his jacket and followed after his brother, saying, "I'm with Av on this, Paen. You need to loosen up a bit, and let go of some of that responsibility you're always harping on. I've got my mobile phone. I'll give you a ring if we find anything."

"Well?" Paen turned to his remaining brother. "Don't tell me you're going to pass up an opportunity to get in a few digs about how I need to ignore the castle, the family, and Mum's eternal happiness and instead live like there's no tomorrow."

Finn grinned. "Could I pass up such a wonderful chance? All that repressed sexuality - what you really need is to fall in love with some delicious bird, fuck your brains out, let her save you, and try out happy instead of gloomy."

"Do you know how tiring it gets repeating that I don't need a Beloved? Women I can, and do, have whenever I'm struck with the desire for sex. A female doesn't need to bind herself to me to satisfy my sexual desires."

"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but here goes - Paen, you're missing out on a whole world of pleasure by keeping

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