Evanescent - By Addison Moore Page 0,91

cloud envelops the two of them, and they dissolve into thin air.

That kiss lingers in my mind like the stench of Spectator. Laken kissed him like she meant it. And she probably did.

I stagger into the clearing, causing the guy and the girl they just siphoned from to pause their conversation midflight.

“Cooper!” The girl runs over and hugs me so tight, she might snap my spinal cord from the effort.

“Elysian!” The glowing creature snaps. “Remove her at once.”

“Sorry, man. Skyla needs to head back to Paragon.” The guy with the sandy hair looks right at me when he says it. “We’ll see you around, Coop.” He touches his hand to the girl’s shoulder, and they dissolve in a blue-lit fog right before my eyes.

“Wait,” I call out. “How did you know my name?” I shout into the quiet reserve. “How did they know my name?” I ask the squirrely looking dude with the luminescent tablet.

“I gather you’re popular in the future.” He frowns as he types something into the rectangle of light in his hands.

“What do you mean the future?”

“They’re from the future, two years.” He gives a dissatisfied blink before popping out of existence.

Two years, huh?

“Edinger?” I call out to him without putting too much effort behind it. “I’m ready to take off.” The ground wobbles beneath my feet. “Hey, can I take a friend?”

A loud peal of thunder rips through the vicinity.

I’ll take that as a no.

I’m falling again as the darkness sucks me into its vortex.

My body slams against something that feels an awful lot like concrete, and I land flat on my back staring up at the angry face of Asterion.

I roll over and look around.

I’m back—right here at Ephemeral.

I spring to my feet and sprint toward Henderson Hall.

It’s time to find Laken and tell her that Wes knows everything.


Laken and I appear right back in the woods behind Henderson, still locked in a heated kiss that redefines every other kiss we’ve ever shared.

What we just experienced was exhilarating. We dove through time and space, and took back the power that Celestra stole long ago from our people. Celestra may hold the seat of government, but now, with their own blood, we’re about to reclaim what’s rightfully ours.

Laken pulls back and takes a look at me through this new lens.

“I feel so close to you.” Her lips rubber band into a smile then that sadness she wears like a mask returns from nowhere. “Wes?” She looks up at me in earnest as if our entire relationship hinged on what she’s about to ask. “Do you think there’s any way to free those people trapped in there? Maybe Celestra could get some of their own to volunteer blood in exchange of those innocent lives? I’m sure there are a ton of hero’s ready to fill their shoes, just like Logan did tonight to spare that girl.”

“This is why I love you. You’re an angel in the truest sense.” I push out a dry smile. “Of course, none of us want them to suffer. I’d be the first to set them free. It’s just—we don’t get to make the rules. These rivalries, Laken, they’re as old as time. There’s not a lot we can change. And I’ll be honest, it doesn’t thrill me you’re toting Logan as some hero.” I purse my lips at the thought. “He’s the same asshole who brought his buddy to Ephemeral and tried to rearrange my limbs.”

Her eyes widen with the newfound revelation.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about him and Skyla.” I press a kiss over her cheek. “Rumor has it they’re made of gold. Come on,” I say, pulling her back in the direction of the party. “Let’s see what we missed.”

“Were we gone long?”

“Nope. We were in a Treble—a portal of time that stays open just for the two of us.”

“A Treble huh?” More like trouble.

“I heard that.” I rattle her hand a little, and she lets out a laugh.

I love you, Wesley Parker. She sighs while biting down a smile.

My stomach lurches, but I don’t correct her.

I love you, too, Laken Anderson.

Her smile fades with the sentiment, and now I feel like crap for bringing it up.

She pulls me in close and studies me as if she’s seeing me for the very first time.

One day—she gives a brief nod—either you or I will find out we were wrong. And when you do, I expect a full apology.

I hold back a laugh because I know she’s not teasing, but damn she’s

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