Evanescent - By Addison Moore Page 0,88

in on how much I appreciated our unexpected meeting a few weeks back.”

Wes takes off to “say hello” to the gorgeous boy with blond flames for hair. They’re both unusually good looking, with the exception of Ingram who amounts to a human frog, which is what I’ve just reduced the Counts to, although I’d hate to insult anything in the chordata phylum that way.

Skyla’s eyes enlarge, and she ticks her head as if secretively calling me over.

“Me?” I mouth, pointing to my chest.

She gives a long, slow blink before glancing at the human toad and giving a brief nod. Poor thing. She probably wants me to break her the hell out of this place. Little does she know, I lack the authority and that my “boyfriend” would like nothing more than to keep her bound and gagged for life.

I make my way over, fully expecting her to spit like a camel or scream in my face at what a horrible person I am.

She beckons me forward with a desperate look in her eye.

“I know, you,” she says just below a whisper. “You’re Laken Stewart. I tried to save you when you were in the Transfer.”

Everything in me goes rigid. My heart stops its wild tirade as if those very words had the power to kill me.

“Laken.” Wes jogs over. “Everything’s straightened out. I’ll take Skyla, and you’ll have Logan.” He closes his eyes a moment. “I can’t stand to watch.” He says it sober, filled with an ache I haven’t seen in him before. “I can’t stand the thought of you touching someone else.” He brushes the hair from my shoulder. “Ingram, help Laken.”

I glance back at Skyla, and she gives a silent nod. My spirit soars because she’s right.

I’m Laken Stewart, and I always will be.


Sitting in Edinger’s office, with nothing but a tiny desk lamp illuminating the area, isn’t exactly where I envisioned myself on Halloween night or any other night for that matter. Even though he himself most likely invented the carnival of horror overtaking the country tonight, something about sitting alone with him in the quasi-dark feels borderline perverse.

“Anything in particular you would you like to discuss?” He tips his head back with his face pulled into that perennial grimace.

“I’m interested.”

“Interested?” He gives a little tick as if he had no idea what this clandestine meeting is about. “Do you have a concern about your grades?”

“No,” I flat line. “I don’t like games unless they involve something I can kick around, and unless you’re in the mood to pluck your head off and let me score a touchdown with it, I suggest you knock this shit off.”

“State your business,” he starts off curt. “It’s strictly policy and procedure. It’s frowned upon to have me initiate every conversation that concerns your kind. You must have a want, a need, a desire. Do I make myself clear?”

“Implicitly.” Fucking moron. “I’m interested in stepping between Laken and Wesley in exchange for a supervising spirit.”

He gives a crooked nod, amused that I would be willing to risk my life in the event things don’t work out in my favor. “I’m aware of the consequences if the situation backfires. I just need a few points of contention clarified before we square things away.”

“How prudent of you. And the points of contention are?”

“Why do you want Wes to stay away from Laken? Not that I’m going to argue with you over this, but I’m curious.”

A dark laugh gurgles from his throat. “Wesley was made for something more. Far greater things wait for him than the girl you ruminate over in your fantasies.”

“Fair enough,” I say. “So you’ll be my supervising spirit?”

“For as long as your days remain, and, of course, as long as Laken remains in your arms. Should you outlive her, I’ll release you from this bondage.”

Outlive Laken? The thought of losing her to death has never crossed my mind.

“Outline the bennies.” I tap my fingers over his desk. “Make it clear. Dumb it down for me. I’m not in the mood for doublespeak.”

“The bennies.” He pulls his lips to the side. “You have the honor of my services at your every whim. I’ll assist you should you prefer to visit the future. I’ll guide you in all things concerning the spiritual plane. And, should you have a query, I’ll have an answer. I assure you nothing but fatherly advice. I would never lie to you no matter how harsh the truth may be. I will most certainly listen, should you

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