Evanescent - By Addison Moore Page 0,31

was a color difference between the two hues. And how many hours am I going to have to log down at Maria’s to pay for this brain malfunction? If I had thought things through, I could have stayed home that night. I can’t think of one good reason I’m headed to homecoming with Grayson other than trying to fool Wes, and something tells me there’s no fooling Wes.

Laken walks into Melville, and the room stills—at least for me.

Her smile fades to zero as her crystalline eyes narrow in on Grayson with her arm slithering over my chest.


Grayson smooths her arm over my shoulders, and I try to casually disembark from her unwanted embrace. She drones on about hotel arrangements and how many bottles of champagne we’ll need to entertain the guests at our after party.

“Also”—she blows the word into my ear—“I’ll be wearing something pink and lacey, that happens to come with feathers, just for you.” She takes a bite of my earlobe, and I flinch.

“Where you going?” She zooms in and runs her hand up my thigh, securing a grip over my crotch with the dexterity of a garden snake.

“Okay.” I let out a nervous laugh as I push her away. “Lavender belt. Got it.”

Grayson gasps. “Teal tie!” The veins on her neck protrude like cords. Her face contorts with shock like I just kicked her in the gut.

Laken pops up next to her and gives a private smile at Grayson’s newfound distress.

“Have either of you seen Flynn?” She says it friendly enough—benign for that matter, but Grayson channels some uncalled for aggression in her direction.

“I guess you need someone to slut around with now that Cooper’s taken.” Grayson wraps a loose curl around her finger. “Anyway, Coop”—she touches her hand to my cheek, and I don’t stop her—“if you’re craving a little R and R you know where to find me.” She gives a brief wink before strutting off into the crowd.

“R and R?” Laken looks simultaneously pissed and cute as hell in the process. As lame as it is, I’m flying high off the fact she might actually be jealous. Jealousy is born from something. In this case, I’m hoping it’s just a hair away from love because I think that’s exactly what I’m feeling for her.

“Rest and relaxation,” I say. It’s code for blowjob, but I’m not clueing Laken in on that tidbit. Grayson likes to help a lot of guys get some R and R. Rumor has it her entire acting career hinges on the respite benefits she provides.

Laken’s face crumbles. Her perfect lips twitch under duress for a moment before recovering.

“What a mess,” she whispers below the music.

“What’s a mess?” I can guess, but I’d rather not go there.

Laken looks up at me, her eyes filled with sorrow.

“We are, Coop.” She strains the words through hesitation. “I thought we had something. I thought maybe I was wrong about Wes and me, that if he never came back—if he was too far gone that it would be me and you.” Her eyes glitter in this dim light. “But Grayson…” she shakes her head. “She’s beautiful. You look good together, and by the way that makes me want to hurl.” She sticks her tongue out playfully, and I suddenly want to catch it with my teeth. A surge of adrenaline pushes through me at the thought of Laken wanting me on some level—but Wes is the condition. A part of me hopes he never gets his memory back.

“I guess I got caught up in the moment,” she continues. “I’m sorry if I led you on. I never meant to do that. And I would never expect you to wait around for me while I try to figure things out.” She sniffs and gives a little shrug. “I care about you, Coop. And if a little R and R with Grayson makes you happy then that’s what I want for you.” Her voice breaks with that last sentence. Laken’s chest quivers. She stands before me in her Ephemeral-issued cheer skirt, her hair still high in a ponytail with a bow on top. In a roundabout way Laken Stewart is breaking up with me. She thinks I want Grayson and those overblown lips of hers massaging me into a sexual euphoria rather than the perfection that is her.

I’d like to tell her how I feel, but I can’t. There aren’t enough words to describe these incredible feelings. So I do the only thing I can—show her. I gently

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