Evanescent - By Addison Moore Page 0,28

look vaguely familiar. They all look exquisite here—far more so than the pall reality casts upon them. No, there’s definitely something in the atmosphere down here that gives the ripe delusion of ultimate perfection. It’s covering our flaws, sealing us with an unnatural allure, but it’s all a lie. Just like whatever bullshit is about to fly from Kresley’s lips.

“Sister Laken,” she says it bored, averting her eyes like a seventh grader. “It behooves me to ask if you’re here upon your own will and without the coaxing and coercion of others?”

“Yes.” I nod. “I want to be here.” I give a private smile to Wes. “I want nothing more than to be one of you.”

Kresley makes a face like she’s going to be sick. “Do you solemnly swear to never breathe a word of what you are privy to outside of the circle of Treasures? Should you break the words of your covenant, you will be cast out into darkness, forever lost to the world and must suffer the fate of the enemy. Do you comprehend the consequences and accept the punishment should you be found wanting?”

“I do.” I so am going to rat this whole psychotic meet and greet out to Coop as soon as I’m given a get-out-of-hell free card. Only something tells me I’m not getting out of here without paying a very steep price. I get the feeling my soul is the exact currency required if I ever hope to exit.

“Welcome, Sister Laken,” she says, lack luster. “It is a pleasure”—she rolls her eyes—“having you as one of us. Our Ensign, brother Wesley, will proceed with the ceremony.” She sticks her finger down her throat before making her way back to Grayson’s side.

Wes takes a step in my direction, lifting the bowl midway to his chest.

There’s something murky swilling around in there, looks like soot—and holy shit. I do believe that sanguine surprise is also known as blood.

“You’re a Treasure now, Laken.” Wes presses out a wide-eyed smile. “Once you’re sealed, you’ll forever be a select possession.”

I glance down at the bowl of blood he’s cradling, fragile as a newborn. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to be anybody’s possession let alone the devils’ that run this twisted body-smuggling operation.

“There’s one more thing.” Wes gazes into me with all of the tenderness he can muster. “This, Laken, is my offering. I’ve poured my own blood into this bowl. I’m sealing you for myself as well. That is, if you’ll let me—if you want to be with me, and with no one else, forever.”

Cooper blinks through my mind. I’ll be Wesley’s forever if I agree, at least according to the Counts.

Mom and Lacey hover over me like ghosts. I’ll sacrifice everything to save them, including Cooper if I have to.

“Yes, Wesley,” I saturate his name with sugar. “I’m already yours forever.” A part of that is gospel—and the rest of it is a lie of the highest order.

Wesley dips his thumb into the soupy plasma and marks my forehead in the shape of a half-moon.

“In the shape of a C for Counts,” he corrects. Wes read my mind the second his thumb made contact with me.

I give a wry smile. He doesn’t even pretend to hide it anymore.

“From this moment forward, you and I have entered into a lasting covenant as spirit mates now and forever more.” Wes leans in and imparts a kiss so chaste it makes me wonder if I understood anything he was saying at all. “You’re my spirit wife, Laken.” His eyes glow the color of the fire as he takes up my hand. “What the Countenance has bound together let no man put asunder.”

Strange. Wes said man, but I heard Cooper Flanders clear as a gunshot.

“No man, Laken.” Wes shakes his head ever so slightly. Not even that one.


“And then what happened?” I ask, staring at Laken while I wolf down Chinese food straight from the carton. She’s sitting Indian style on my bed as I lay beneath her, admiring how good she looks perched on my mattress.

Like manna from heaven, Laken has spent the last three nights snug in my bed. We wait until Marky falls asleep before I shuttle her over. The last thing I need is to arouse suspicion. One night was pushing it—but three nights would be the Tic-Tac-Toe within the confines of marriage according to my prepubescent sister. Although, according to Laken, she’s already sealed the marriage deal with Wesley.

“And then,” she continues with her molten

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