Evanescent - By Addison Moore Page 0,24

Tenebrous Woods or, as the less informed like to call it, the tunnels. If I knew she wouldn’t judge me—hate me, if I knew she wouldn’t be appalled by what goes on down there and why—I’d take her today. We would drink our fill and become the beings we were always meant to be. In my mind’s eye the fantasy takes a U-Turn and I imagine the two of us locked in a heated kiss, Laken stripping to nothing right there in those gnarled woods.

The steady beat of footsteps snap me back to reality. I glance up and catch Demetri Edinger breezing in like he owns the place—like he owns me.

Supervising spirit. More like a rotten demon. My own personal bitch.

He’s the part I’m not looking forward to—the part where I reintroduce Laken to the bastard who shuttles me around the nethersphere—the demonic leash to which I’m bound and gagged because my mother gifted him to me a few years back on my birthday. Although, I may not have to let Laken know about him—in fact I’d rather not.

I dive under and swim in his direction. No use in putting off the inevitable.

Edinger crouches low as I pop up by the edge and he clasps onto me by the hair, submerging me under just as I take a breath.

I try to free myself from his murderous charge, but he’s holding me steady just below the waterline.


I expel a breath as a cough begs to bubble from my throat. My nose burns with fire as I inhale water like oxygen.

Fucking bastard. I latch onto his arm and yank him in. He cycles over me, and I buoy to the surface, gasping and coughing.

Edinger floats to the top with his wool coat rising up around him like a pair of giant wings.

“You fucking asshole.” I charge at him, securing him by the collar and thrashing him against the edge of the pool. His head gives a satisfying thump, so I arrange for it to happen again.

“Excited are we?” His eyes glow an unnatural shade of yellow. He holds his hand out, and I suction over to him like a magnet without even trying. He raises his palm as if casting a spell, and my body lifts right out of the water. I’m pulled upward above the swimming pool a good twenty feet, and my stomach bottoms out because I know what’s coming.

Gravity takes over, and I set in on the world’s crappiest belly flop. The water slaps against my chest like fire, and I hit clear to the bottom of the pool before rising to the surface.

I glance around for the bastard who sponsored this bellyache. He’s still in the water with a shit-eating grin cemented to his face.

I dive in his direction, stealth like a seal. From underwater, his body looks unnaturally elongated as if his feet were touching the floor while his head stays safely above water. This doesn’t surprise me. A Fem can do whatever the hell it wants, and God knows Demetri Edinger has done exactly that, time and time again.

“What’s the matter, Wesley?” He taunts as I surface beside him. His dark eyes gleam a wicked smile all their own. It’s nice to know he’s enjoying the shit out of himself. “Feeling a little battered and blue? From what I can see, this has less to do with your physical state and more to do with a matter of the heart.”

“What the hell do you want?” I spit just shy of his face.

“Lets cut to the chase. What is it that you want?”

“Laken,” I pant. “I always want Laken, that’s why you brought her to Ephemeral, isn’t it? Gifting her to me with a bow? You got her kicked out of Rycroft didn’t you?”

“Indeed, I’m the sole reason she was kicked out from somewhere.” He buries a smile into the side of his cheek.

“I’m bringing her tomorrow night.” I wipe the water from my eyes. “I’m going to ask her to bond with me.”

“A lifetime commitment at such a young age? Don’t be foolish. You haven’t had the chance to consider your options. So many pretty girls to choose from. Skyla, for instance, is a real catch. Rumor has it you’re just her type.” He lowers his chin as if he’s baiting me. “If I had to guess, I’d say you were made for one another.”

I tick my head back. “She’d snatch my balls off if I tried to put a move on her. Besides, I’ve only

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