Evanescent - By Addison Moore Page 0,12

I can’t. Although, I’m pretty sure I’m going to make Laken feel better in my fantasies tonight. Too bad I couldn’t make them real. Comfort her all night long the way I want to.

She cuts a hard look across the way, and I follow her eyes to Grayson with her blonde hair frizzed out like a haystack, her lips painted bright red like a warning siren.

“I guess you’d better make your move.” Her eyes drag heavy across the floor as she takes a step in the opposite direction.

“Hey—” I push in until we’re less than a breath away. “You know if things were different…” I’m not sure what to say next. I know for a fact she’s still in love with Wes. It’s kind of hard to swallow the idea she’s getting physical with him. Just the thought of her lips meshed against his, makes me want to snap his neck. I’m not sure why I feel so protective over her. All I know is I wish she were mine—that it was my body, my lips she was crushing up against. But, for now, this is what we have—physical distance—Grayson hovering in the background. “Laken”—I push out her name with a stone of grief lodged in my throat—“you’re still with him.”

“You’re right.” She presses her lips together and gives a quick nod.

“And you might always want to be with him—that’s okay.” The hell it is, but I’ll be the last person to force myself on her. “That’s what life is about, having the right to choose, to make decisions that have the ability to span your entire existence, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. Sometimes love doesn’t give the easy answer. It doesn’t make it wrong though. Good things are worth fighting for.” Like you and me I want to add, but don’t.

Her pale eyes widen. Her face crumbles as if this were too much to bear.

Grayson stomps over and plants herself between us.

“Is this a private conference? Lover’s only?” She bats her heavily made up eyes with lashes thick as shredded felt.

“I was just leaving.” Laken scowls at her before heading out the door.

“What the hell do you see in her?” Grayson pets her leather bag as we thread through the hall.

“She’s just a friend.” Too bad that’s the God’s honest truth.

“More like a special friend—a friend with benefits. It’s obvious you’ve got it bad for her. Don’t try to deny it.” Her lips part in disgust. She presses out her chest as if she’s trying give me a couple of good reasons to take my mind off Laken.

“How about you?” I twist the conversation back in her direction. “You got any special friends?” I’m not up for denying any feelings I have for Laken, so I change the subject.

“Just one.” Her dark eyes narrow in on mine. I know what she’s thinking. I was with Grayson more than once. I came close to thinking about a serious relationship, but that was before I found out Flynn Masterson was screwing around with her on the side, sometimes on the same night. That revelation stopped any potential relationship cold in its tracks. Then after a long, hot summer, Laken showed up dazed and confused and shed a light over who I wanted to be with, and for damn sure it wasn’t Grayson.

“So, do you have anything set up for homecoming yet?” I stuff my hand in my pocket and watch as her lips part like reopening a wound.

“Are you asking me to the dance?” Her brows wiggle like long, black worms.

“Yes.” I nod into her.

Her features contort as tears spring to her eyes.

Shit. The last thing I want is to toy with Grayson’s feelings. I knew this had “crappy idea” written all over it.

“I have the perfect dress! It’s turquoise with a big bow that hangs over my ass. Of course, you’ll get to unravel it later when I gift myself to you.” She dips her red nails into my chest while licking her lips like sealing a deal. “You can either wear turquoise and black, or just black, no white. And I’ll need a trio of roses for my corsage. Pick up your boutonnière at the same time, would you?” She takes a few steps back still lost in thought. “We need a limo—a private one for just you and me. Make sure to score a full bar. This is going to be awesome!” She bounces down the hall, disappearing in the swell of bodies.


That wasn’t

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