Eternal Sin (Primal Sin #2) - Ariana Nash Page 0,43

he fooled you for a decade, Mikhail?”

He wanted to defend himself but had no defense that didn’t sound trite. “He did.”

“It’s not a lie,” Severn said. “I’m as much an angel as you are.”

Remiel snorted. “Deluded, too, I see.” Remiel turned away. “See to it he’s executed.”

Mikhail hesitated, the order holding him rigid. What had he expected, leniency from a guardian? Of course Severn would be killed for his crimes.

“Mikhail,” Severn whispered, his face pressed to the bars. “You have no reason to ever trust me again, I know that, but please, hear this, if nothing else: Remiel wants Aerie. He wants everything that’s yours, and if you don’t hand it over, he’ll kill you.”

Mikhail had always trusted Severn’s judgment. He’d stood beside him for years, turned to him for advice in times like these, but how could he ever trust his words again? Besides, it wasn’t anything Mikhail didn’t already know. He turned away from Severn and left the cells.

Chapter 19


Solo delivered the tray of food, sliding it under the bars. From the bench, Severn eyed it quietly. The sandwich had all the crusts cut off, and that seemed like such a Solo thing to do that Severn couldn’t help his smile.

“You love Mikhail.” Severn lifted his head. “We both know it.”

Solo glared back. Every day over the past few weeks, Solo came with food, and every day, Severn spoke to him. He never replied, but Solo couldn’t unhear the truth. “He’s in danger.”

Solo turned to leave.

Severn shot from the bench and grabbed the bars. “Remiel is reading the scene. He’s calculating where Mikhail is weakest, so that when he strikes, it will be quick and devastating.”

Solo turned back, his russet brows pinched. “Mikhail has it in hand.”

He’d finally spoken, and now Severn had a chance to really be heard. “Mikhail is a fucking mess. Somewhere in all that neurosis, he probably thinks he deserves to be killed for loving me. You have to help him.”

“Whatever happens is none of your concern.”

“Solo.” Saying his name pulled him back each time. Solo wanted to stay, he wanted to believe Severn. “Don’t leave his side.”

Solo marched back to stand in front of Severn. “Your words are worthless. I look at you, and all I see is lies. And to think I admired you. I’m disgusted in myself.”

“I care—”

“You don’t get to care for him!”

“And I don’t get to choose who I love, else I wouldn’t have fallen in love with a fucking angel!”

Solo lifted his chin. “You are to be executed tomorrow at dawn.”

Severn let go of the bars and stepped back, rocking on his feet. “How?”

When Solo turned his face away, his cheek fluttered. “The edge.”

The edge was a terrible punishment. Spoken of among angels like a fledgling’s nursery rhythm. It hadn’t been used in decades. An angel’s wings were tied near the shoulders, so they had no chance to writhe free, and the angel pushed from Aerie.

Ice filled Severn’s veins. “For what crime?”

“You seriously just asked me that?” Solo snapped, green eyes flashing with wrath.

“For loving Mikhail?” He stepped back some more and threw his arms up. “Gods, you’re all so fucking hypocritical. ‘Angels don’t feel. Angels don’t love.’ It’s bullshit and always has been. You think I lie? You lie to yourselves every day. I don’t know what the fuck they do to you in Haven, but whatever it is, it screws you up for life.” He paced and then abruptly stopped. “I’m going to be killed for loving Mikhail. What part of that is right?”

“No, you’re going to be killed because you’re the demon lord Konstantin.”

Severn grabbed a fistful of his own golden hair. “What’s this, then? Huh?” He pinched his arm, feeling the sting. “Or this? I don’t know how it happened, but I’m an angel. This illusion hasn’t been an illusion for months. It’s who I am now. My wings are gone. You saw him burn them. If this were an illusion, it would have come off. I didn’t want this. No demon in their right mind wants to be an angel, but here I am. Konstantin is dead. He’s been dead for years. If you push me over the edge, Solo, you prove you’re nothing but a bunch of savage, self-righteous, hypocritical bastards.”

“It doesn’t matter,” he said sadly. “It’s over. Make peace with yourself… brother.”

He hurried to leave. Severn grabbed the bars again and called after him, but the door slammed, the lock turned over, and silence flooded the cells.

Samiel would have seen his Copyright 2016 - 2024