Entry-Level Mistress - By Sabrina Darby Page 0,37

there for him in the empty room.

But why test me? Even if I never did anything to hurt him, even if I never whispered a word of his plans to my father, or anyone else who could endanger them, in six weeks I would be going off, parting ways. In six weeks it would all be over.

That thought alternately made me want to run away now, or spend every waking moment with him. When Leanna announced her plan to go to Manhattan for July 4th and invited me along, I held back. This time I didn’t have the excuse of a disliked stepfather. I hesitated to give an answer because I was waiting for Daniel, even though he hadn’t mentioned any unusual plans.

Then, suddenly, on the Thursday before the holiday weekend, it didn’t matter anymore. Shortly after ten, Lance called me into his office, his expression grim. I thought through the projects I’d completed all week, tried to think of a misstep I might have taken.

He gestured for me to sit and, though it was the last thing I wanted to do, I sat.

“You have talent,” Lance said, leaning against the front of his desk, shaking his head. I wanted to say thank you but his body language was saying something far different from his words. “I want to start entrusting you with more responsibility, involve you in the creative discussions, but at the same time … ” He paused, rubbing at his chin.

“I’d like to be,” I said quietly. I hadn’t been as vocal during the morning meetings since the day Jillian had put me in my place. I knew this wasn’t my career but it was Jillian’s.

“You started off well here,” Lance continued, as if I hadn’t spoken. “And then your personal life became a distraction. Even though interoffice dating is against the rules, because it’s Hartmann you’re seeing— No please, it’s obvious to everyone.” I pressed my lips together, forced myself to just listen. “I don’t really know what he’s thinking but this is a new department and this sort of behavior ruins cohesiveness, teamwork and morale.”

It was like I was eight again, being chastised. Even though I was embarrassed, even though the whole situation was awful, Lance had a point. To me it had all been a game. Although I did my best to complete the tasks given, work wasn’t serious to me at all.

“If you quit, I can guarantee an excellent referral. I can call a few friends.”

“Does Hartmann know we’re having this conversation?”

“Are you playing that card, Emily?”

“No!” I said quickly, appalled. “I just wanted to know. I understand. I never intended, imagined even—”

“I did discuss this with Hartmann and I’m sure the two of you will make some decision. But think about it. You might need to make a choice here about what you want in your life, from your career. Take it from an old man who’s been here for a while. Daniel Hartmann, the man, is not a retirement fund.”

Daniel was a serial dater; I knew this. From Vogue, Page Six, Cosmopolitan, The Wall Street Journal even. The night Angelika threw her glass of water on him in the Lilliputian Room in Manhattan everyone had heard her yell that he’d die alone. Yet women still seemed to think they could be the one to make him settle down. But Lance couldn’t know he had nothing to worry about where I was concerned. I wasn’t in this for the ring and the generous pre-nup. In fact, I came from a line of women who knew how to walk away from rich men. At best, I was in this for six more weeks of pleasure. At worst, if I found it in myself to drag up the old resentment, I was dating Daniel for the sole purpose of learning his weaknesses and bringing him down.

But to the rest of the world, that looked different. I’d been acting as if I were in love.

“Thank you for your concern,” I said simply, trying desperately to blink away the sting of embarrassed tears. Of tears from some other emotion I didn’t even know how to name. A sense of loss, maybe? Desperation? Whatever it was, I needed to escape from it.

I left Lance’s office and went straight to the elevator bank. Pressed the up button. Waited, blinking. Lance was right.

I heard Janine’s voice before the elevator doors even fully opened. Confident, strident, high-powered even though she was an executive assistant—a position I would never before this

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