Entry-Level Mistress - By Sabrina Darby Page 0,33

together was OK. But as much as he kept reminding us of the disparity, age wasn’t the problem at all. Maybe nothing was.

There was so much that was right between us—at this moment, in this summer—as if fate had concocted the past just to make us happen. I slanted my smile at him, sliding off from my perch on his table. He watched me approach, a different sort of interest awakening in his gaze.

“Yes, Daniel, you are definitely a cradle robber.”

• • •

Electrified was a dark pit of a club in the basement of an Irish bar. As I made my way down the winding staircase, splattered glow-in-the-dark paint decorated the walls and gave some sense of what the club would be like on any other night.

However, someone had decided to lay some art direction on the place as well as a video installation. Organic, mushroom-like shapes pulsed on the walls, and colorful, furry, eight-by-ten cloth backdrops broke up the space as if they were trying to bring a raver vibe to the live music scene. To make instant multi-platform art. But to me, the room felt like a gallery rather than a music venue, and it squashed the energy I’d always liked about the band’s music. Additionally, it had nothing to do with the album cover, so there was no brand continuity.

There was also a graffiti wall, outfitted with cans of spray paint, which took away from the focus that should be on the stage. It made sense for maybe an outdoor summer music festival or something like that, but not this small venue.

The design had all the hallmarks of something Craig, my ex-boyfriend, would concoct. Our relationship had fizzled for more than one reason, not least because he had jumped off the LSD deep end. I hoped the mushroom visuals were just for the opening band and that he had something with more visual interest for the main act.

I scanned the room for him but he wasn’t by the laptop at the rear of the room where a girl I vaguely recognized was sitting. He would be somewhere about, and when he knew I was here, there would be the usual taunting. I was suddenly very glad that Daniel couldn’t make it.

“Did you know Craig was part of this?”

“Is he going by Lucid Visuals now?” Leanna asked pointing to the name in small print on the flyer under the band’s name.

I laughed. “Um … I guess we’ll find out.”

I slipped earplugs in because the opening act wasn’t worth killing my hearing over and the main band wouldn’t be on for another half hour. In the meantime, Leanna and I mingled, talking loudly over the music. It was strange to see people I knew from school, from that social scene. Everyone wanted to know why I’d been M.I.A.

“Emily sold out,” Leanna said mischievously. “She’s working for the man now.”

I opened my mouth to protest but when Sasha exclaimed, “But what about Barrows!” and Dorit stared at me in horror, I assumed a resigned expression and nodded.

“I did. And really, I don’t know what I was doing all these years. Designing posters and murals is no way to finance a wardrobe.”

“This? From the girl who had purple streaks at graduation?”

“It’s so sad, Emmy,” Dorit said. “You and Craig were like, the art school power couple. Him, flashy and cool, and you, the studious art nerd.”

“Art nerd!” I laughed incredulously at this description. I shot a glance at Leanna, who merely shrugged.

“Look at Craig, pursuing his dream while you’re being a corporate hack.”

I followed Sasha’s pointed finger and did look at Craig, who was adjusting a screen on the far side of the room. I’d never thought of our relationship the way Dorit did. When it had ended just before spring break, I hadn’t looked back.

“I’m working a summer job,” I admitted with a resigned sigh. “I’m still going to Barrows in August.” Just like that everyone was impressed and happy again.

“I love what you did with their CD cover, Emmy. So brilliant.”

I tuned them out. They might be happy but I thought about how Julian had denigrated the closed-mindedness of pretentious college kids. The closed-mindedness of everyone, really. I’d been enjoying my work at Hartmann Enterprises. I’d been enjoying the entire experience.

Suddenly I wished Daniel were there because my worlds felt too diverged. I felt too diverged.

“I’m going to go scrawl something on the wall.” I gestured to the graffiti area and walked off. A moment later Leanna was next

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