Entry-Level Mistress - By Sabrina Darby Page 0,20

first step of redesign. Piece by piece they would redo all the internal stationery and literature and then the website and external literature. There was a good chance, as they got further into the process, that underlings like James and me would be given projects such as “create this page according to this established look.”

I returned to my cubicle, flipped through the handout again and then settled down to the previous task of the day.

When my purse vibrated against my foot, I didn’t force myself to wait. I plucked the now-still phone from the pink depths of my purse. Filled with an energy that had been absent only a moment earlier, I flipped it open.

thirtieth floor. East conference room. Now.

My pulse raced and my mind followed. I didn’t know what he wanted. There were no fake files to bring up, no excuses. Merely a time and a place. I’d never been on the thirtieth floor. I didn’t know what department was there or if it was even a Hartmann floor. Although Hartmann Enterprises was the name on the top of the building, he only used nine of the thirty-two floors.

And for how long would I be gone? What if Lance needed me or—

I shook my head. It was stupid to wonder. Ultimately, Daniel was my boss so surely if he wanted me to meet him, he had a reason.

I pressed my legs together tightly, trying not to think of that reason. Because really, it was one thing to make out over lunch, but another thing entirely to do so during paid work hours.

A different kind of work.

I shook my head again, not liking where my mind was going. I turned back to the computer. What if my phone were turned off? I couldn’t possibly meet him then.

But after last night, how could I not? Perhaps the method was unorthodox, but I was well on my way to knowing Daniel Hartmann, knowing what made him tick. If I didn’t go meet him now, how on earth would I ever find a way to get revenge? It was a stupid, thin excuse of a reason, but I savored it as I stood, stretched, and then, as nonchalantly as possible, made my way to the elevators. I didn’t look to see if anyone watched my progress. I didn’t want to know.

The thirtieth floor was dim and empty, only the emergency lights making anything visible. I turned to the right, east, down the hall.

“Emily.” I heard my whispered name at the same time that I felt his heat, that he pulled me into the conference room and into his embrace. I didn’t have a chance to respond because his lips were on mine and my only thought was to meet his kisses with my own.

I wore a cotton tank beneath my cardigan, and beneath that his hand roamed, caressed my breast through the thin cup of a cotton bra. Every touch burned, sharply exquisite.

“I couldn’t wait another minute,” he whispered against my ear before tugging on the sensitive lobe with his teeth. So this, then, was the work.

“Convenient I happened to be in the same building.”

As he laughed, I gave into the idea, enjoyed it. I stepped back from him. To my left I could see the rooftops of Boston through the glass window. Could anyone in those other tall buildings nearby see us here in this half-darkness?

Not that anyone else mattered because Daniel was watching me, wanting me, and I wanted him. I shimmied my a-line skirt up just enough to reach for my panties. I slid them down, letting the skirt fall back into place. Then I dangled the skimpy cotton from my finger.

I loved seeing that tight, controlled expression on his face, the one that revealed all the passion he held back, that I’d feel when he thrust into me.

I let the bit of fabric drop, took a step toward him. He strode forward, wrapped me in his arms in that dizzying way that made me unaware of anything but him and his touch. He used the wall as leverage, held me up against it as he delved beneath my skirt and stroked between my thighs. He slid a finger into me and I moaned, forgetting to be quiet. He knew exactly how to touch me, the right pattern, rhythm, everything. I climaxed under his touch and while I was still crying out, trembling with the release, he covered himself and thrust deep within me, reaching for his own.

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