Entranced (The ROGUES Billionaire #1) - Tracie Delaney Page 0,62

asked drolly.

He clipped me under the chin. “Bank on it, darling.”

He exited the vehicle. I followed. Placed on the tarmac were two suitcases, neither of which I recognized.

“What are those for?”

Ryker arched an eyebrow. “I figured you’d want to change clothes at some point during the weekend. Unless you’d rather be naked, of course. I’m more than happy to support that decision.”

My mind immediately went to Ryker sneaking into my parents’ house, or rather sending one of his minions to riffle through my closets. “You packed clothes for me?”

“No. I bought new ones. I didn’t think breaking and entering would look good on my resumé.”

He climbed the stairs, disappearing into the belly of the plane. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. Ryker was a law unto himself. I could attempt to restrain him, but the evidence led me to conclude I’d lose.

By the time I boarded, Ryker had settled himself into a seat with a glass of scotch in his hand and an unapologetic smirk on his face.

“Before you say anything, my actions only come with the best of intentions. I wanted to surprise you, but I had limited options that didn’t come with a shitload of questions I wasn’t prepared to answer. So, sit down, relax, have a drink, and enjoy the ride.”

I plopped onto the chair opposite and picked up the gin and tonic that had miraculously been left for me. “I have no words.”

“That’s a first.”

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?”


My mouth fell open. “Mexico? That’s a six-hour flight.”


“For the weekend? That’s insane.”

“I’m comfortable with insane.”

I frowned. “Anyway, we can’t go. I don’t have my passport.”

“I know you don’t. I do.”

“How? If you couldn’t fetch my clothes, then you wouldn’t have been able to get your hands on my passport.”

“Remember on Christmas Day I disappeared for about half an hour on the pretext of a work call?”

“Yes.” I laughed. “My entire family gave you grief over that.”

“Guess what I was doing? And I’ll give you a hint. It had nothing to do with ROGUES.”

I widened my eyes. “You stole my passport?”

“Uh-uh. I didn’t steal it. I simply made sure you were prepared for our trip.”

“You’re resourceful. I’ll give you that.”

He grinned. “Thanks. Now buckle up. We’re taking off shortly.”

At seven thirty that evening, our car drew to a halt outside the hotel. Exhaustion swamped me, not because it was particularly late, but more the consequence of flying at altitude. My skin felt dry, and I desperately wanted a shower.

Ryker organized our check-in. A uniformed butler escorted us through the lobby, past the elevators, and headed outside. He led us along a winding path with shrubbery on either side, stopping only to flash a card at a wooden gate. The lock sounded, and he pushed on it. The space opened out onto a villa set among lush greenery. He passed Ryker the keycard.

“Our Royal Villa, sir. If you require anything at all, please dial zero on your house telephone. Our staff are on hand to serve you twenty-four hours a day. Allow me to show you the facilities.”

Ryker shook his head. “I’ll take it from here.”

The butler bowed. “As you wish. Ma’am. Sir. Enjoy your stay.”

I watched as he padded back on silent feet the way we’d come. He disappeared through the trees.

Ryker unlocked the door, and I walked inside to a wide-open space jam-packed with luxury furnishings and fancy art adorning the walls. Full-length windows graced the back wall and, through them, I spied a swimming pool.


He closed the door and wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. “You like?”

“What’s not to like? It’s gorgeous.”

A knock at the door interrupted us. Ryker answered, gesturing to the bellhop to bring our luggage inside. I left him to it, walking through a set of large doors that led onto the pool deck. I breathed deeply, detecting the scent of jasmine and honeysuckle brought on a mild breeze. I sank into a plush, fabric sofa and closed my eyes, allowing the stresses of the journey to fall away.

Ryker’s warm lips pressed to my neck. I sighed. “This is heaven.”

He joined me, linking our hands. “I’ve given the staff strict instructions we are not to be disturbed. We’re completely secluded. No one can get to us unless we grant them entry.”

I gave him a sidelong glance. “That sounds like you have plans.”

“I do. I’m going to fuck you in every room in this villa, in the pool, on the deck, against

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