Enticed by the Alien Warrior (Warriors of Agron #8) - Hope Hart Page 0,64

one look at my undressed state and the male sitting in the corner of the room, and a roar leaves his throat.


I jump to my feet, wrapping the blanket around me as he advances on the painter.

His guards burst through the door, and he whirls on them.


My mouth goes dry. “Arix, I can explain.”

“Explain what, lovely? How I open up to you and find you mostly naked and alone in my rooms with another male?”

“You were supposed to be away this afternoon!”

He growls. Then he turns from me, advancing toward the artist, who is currently cowering in the corner.

I jump in front of him. “This was a surprise for you, you giant asshole!”

He stares at me. “Consider me surprised.”

I roll my eyes. Men. I move toward the easel, but Arix catches my arm.

“No closer.”

I break his hold the way Hewex once taught me. “We’ve been working on this for days! We were almost done, and now you’ve ruined it.”

“Days?” He gapes at me, and then his eyes turn to ice as he returns his attention to the artist in the corner.

I stalk toward the easel, avoiding the hand Arix shoots out toward me. I turn it, revealing the painting.

“You said you wanted one of my ‘photographs.’ This is the closest I could manage. You’re fucking welcome.”

I turn to stride away, but Arix clamps his arm around my waist, holding me to him and ignoring my struggles as he examines the painting.

“For me?”

“Of course it’s for you!”

He glances at the artist, who is currently attempting to mold his body into the stone wall behind him.

“This is incredible.”

“Th-thank you, Your Majesty.”

He’s right. The artist has captured the dark red of the blanket I hold in front of me, barely covering one breast. My hair is thrown over my shoulder, covering the other. One of my legs is bare on the bed, the other hidden by the blanket mounded between my legs. I’m wearing the jewelry Arix gave me and nothing else. Just as he wanted.

The arm clamped around my waist softens slightly but not enough for me to escape.

“For me?” he asks again, and some of the fury leaves me at the wonder in his voice. This king can afford anything he wants. But when was the last time someone gave him a gift? Something tells me it was probably back when his parents were alive.


He glances down at me, and I almost flinch at the emotion in his eyes. He gently brushes his mouth against mine and then turns to the artist, who still looks as if he’s worried he might be dragged away in chains at any moment.

“This is amazing. Thank you, and I apologize for my reaction.”

I blink. Arix is apologizing? People must be ice skating in hell.

“You’re…welcome, Your Majesty.”

“How much longer until this is finished?”

“One more sitting, Your Majesty. The finishing touches I can do alone.”

Arix nods. “You will be rewarded handsomely for this. I will ensure it. Please return tomorrow for the last sitting.”

The artist smiles, leaving his paints where they are and scurrying toward the door.

Arix watches him go. Then he examines the painting some more, ignoring me as I wiggle against him.

“This is an incredible gift,” he says. “While I don’t appreciate another male seeing you like this, I will hang this in front of my bed, where I can appreciate it.” He drags his gaze away from the painting and brushes my hair off my face. “Thank you.”

I frown at him, still unwilling to let him off the hook after that reaction. “What exactly did you think was going on here?”

“I didn’t think,” he admits. “I saw you looking like all my fantasies come to life, with another male staring at you intently. And I lost my mind. I’m sorry.”

Two apologies in one day. Wow.

I sigh. “I guess I understand. I should’ve told you about it, but I wanted it to be a surprise.”

“It was definitely a surprise,” he says. His eyes heat as he stares at the jewels circling my neck and dangling from my ears. “We are still learning each other. I promise I will work to be the male who deserves you.”

“A male who doesn’t jump to conclusions?”

He looks remorseful at that, and I laugh. He studies the painting some more before sending me a wicked smile in return. “Now drop that blanket so I can thank you properly.”

Arix spends all night thanking me properly. In the morning, I groan at a knock on the door, burying my head under the covers. Next to me, Arix laughs. He’s not usually a morning person, but satisfaction is rolling off him in waves this morning.

After the way he made me scream his name last night, I can’t really blame him.

Arix pats me on the butt and rolls out of bed, wrapping a blanket around his waist. He opens the door, and I can practically hear the frown in his voice.

“Pexor,” he murmurs, and I sit up out of sight.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, Your Majesty.”

“From the look on your face, you’re not bringing good news.”

“It’s the commander, Your Majesty.”

I get out of bed at that, reaching for my dress. Arix flicks me a glance, waiting until I’m dressed before he waves Pexor in.

“What about the commander?” I ask, my pulse racing. Sarissa. Oh God, what if something’s happened to Sarissa?

“One of the cooks was working with your enemies, Your Majesty. One of the other cooks found poison at her workstation.”

Arix’s expression is terrible. “What has she said so far?”

Pexor sighs. “She has been taken to the dungeons. But she was the cook in charge of preparing the commander’s food for this trip.”

I step forward. “Korzyn isn’t stupid, right? Didn’t you say he’s one of the most paranoid people you know?”

Arix wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. “He’s paranoid about my safety. Right now, he’s focused on keeping your cousin alive. He won’t be expecting to be targeted himself.”

I rub my arms, suddenly freezing. “Why would they target him? There’s no point.”

He shrugs. “Revenge, perhaps. The commander has insisted I have people taste my food ever since I took the throne. There was no way anyone could target me through my food and get away with it. They would likely find it ironic to kill my commander.”

“We have to find them.”

Arix nods. “I will get messages to all our allies on that side of the water.” He turns to Pexor. “Begin drafting those messages and ensuring we have warriors ready to travel today.”

Panic makes my hands shake. But beneath the panic is warmth. Comfort. Because whatever I face next, I’ll face it with this man at my side. And that means I can face anything.

Arix obviously takes my silence as worry, because he takes my hands in his, pressing his lips to the knuckles on each of my hands. “If we have to, we’ll go after them ourselves. We’ll find them. I promise you.”

How did I get so lucky?

“I love you,” I murmur, and I can’t help but laugh as Arix points toward the door and Pexor hightails it out of our rooms.

“I love you too,” he purrs. “How about I show you just how much?”

I squeal as he lifts me into his arms, marching back toward his bed.

The End

Thank you for reading Enticed by the Alien Warrior! I had so much fun writing Vivian and Arix- two people who were still reeling from the events of their past, and determined not to allow anyone close enough to hurt them again.

Next up is Sarissa’s story in Conquered by the Alien Warrior. Conquered is the final book in the Warriors of Agron series, however many of the women who landed in the second ship will be appearing in the spin-off series releasing early next year.

I can’t tell you too much about it yet, but I’m super excited for the new adventures and romance to come!

Want to be the first to know about the spin-off series and any future deals and updates? Sign up for my free newsletter here.

I’m also active on Facebook. Come say hi at Hope Hart Author.

Stay safe, and happy reading x

Also by Hope Hart

The Arcav Alien Invasion Series

The Arcav King's Mate

The Arcav Commander's Human

The Arcav General's Woman

The Arcav Prince's Captive

A Very Arcav Christmas

The Arcav Captain's Queen

The Arcav Guard's Female

The Warriors of Agron Series

Taken by the Alien Warrior

Claimed by the Alien Warrior

Saved by the Alien Warrior

Seduced by the Alien Warrior

Protected by the Alien Warrior

Captured by the Alien Warrior

Rescued by the Alien Warrior

Enticed by the Alien Warrior

Conquered by the Alien Warrior

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