Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,71

with that, but I don’t have eyebeams. How can I be sure I can trust you?”

The giant lowered his head. “I could tell you more about my life’s story. Perhaps then you will be able to judge my character.”

“Fair enough, as long as the devils stay away.”

“We can only hope.” The giant took in a deep breath and spoke slowly. “I suppose I should begin with my name. Mara gave it to me many, many years ago when I was a mere seedling. I still remember how her voice chirped like a songbird when she said, ‘How about Yereq? It means green.’”

Walter pointed at him and blurted out, “You are the one Karen replaced.”

Yereq clapped his hand over Walter’s mouth and jerked him close, whispering into his ear. “Walter, you must keep your voice down. If you wish to summon the devils, then, by all means, do so, but please give me fair warning so that I may watch from the shadows while they pierce your lungs with knives and cast you into the Lake of Fire.”

Walter squeezed out a barely audible, “Lake of Fire?”

Pointing at the dark ocean, Yereq slowly released his grip. “The second death.”

Walter squinted at the rising and falling waves. “That doesn’t look like fire.”

“It is black fire. Flames that emit no light. I heard some strange creatures talking about it. They seemed great and powerful, so I was hoping they might be able to get us out of this place, but they are so fearsome, I have not decided if they will be friendly to us.” He hunched over and whispered even more softly. “If you have decided to trust me, come, and I will show them to you as well as the tragic end of the faithless.” With the black fire on his left, he walked slowly along the beach.

Walter followed Yereq’s huge footprints, glancing from side to side as he tromped, imagining shadows of pitchfork-carrying devils lurking behind the head-high boulders scattered along the beach. The sun, now close to the bloody horizon, provided just enough light to help him stay out of the fire, but too much to allow him to feel safe from the dozens of eyes that were probably staring at him this very moment. The feeling of dread shivered his bones. Night was approaching. The devils could probably see better in the dark than he could, and it would be impossible to find his way back to the portal that brought him to this dismal place.

After a few minutes, a white light shone from around a rocky promontory that jutted into the lake. The cape looked like a huge foot with its toes in the flames and the rest of the foot sloping up and out until it rose sharply into the “leg,” a vertical wall that reached into the darkness above.

With his hands on the promontory’s “ankle,” Yereq peered around the edge, while Walter, holding on to the crannies in the wall, scrambled up to get a look. A two-foot-high jetty ran at least a hundred feet into the lake. Three dazzling angels stood at the beach end of the jetty with their backs to the sulfurous flames. From the darkness to the right, a line of ten or so slumped-over figures shuffled toward the angels. Fettered with manacles and dragging long chains that linked ankles from prisoner to prisoner, they cowered as they drew near.

Walter wiped sweat from his brow. These angels were only about twenty feet away from their hiding place! Did they know he was watching? Would they mind?

Yereq pressed his mouth close to Walter’s ear. “Some new arrivals,” he whispered. “Listen to the shining creatures, and you will learn what is happening here.”

One of the angels spread out his four wings and stepped closer to the line of shadowy figures. He seemed to shine with a light of his own. The white radiance washed over the prisoners, giving detail to their bodies and faces.

Walter stifled a gasp. One of the chained arrivals looked familiar … too familiar. There was no mistaking the silky gown, the slender figure, the angular face, and the long black tresses. Unable even to whisper, he mouthed the name. Morgan!

He glanced up at Yereq. The giant’s slack jaw proved that he, too, had recognized her.

A low, hissing voice rose from behind them. “What have we here, Grindle? A lost boy and a wandering Naphil?”

Walter jumped back from the promontory and pointed Excalibur toward the sound. The sword shone brightly, sending

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