Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,25

of the cosmos. It has already brought Earth and Hades on a collision course, and if it is completed, it will destroy the Bridgelands and everyone in it, including Makaidos. There is nothing we can do to prevent the first collision, but we can stop the merging of Earth and Heaven and save the life of your mate … my son.”

Smoke spewed from Thigocia’s nostrils. “So our battle is against Mardon.”

“Yes. When I take you to Roxil, the three of us will create a firestorm to stop the madness as we dragons did in the days of old. At that point, you will have to put aside doubt and trust me, for you will be sorely tempted to change your mind.”

“I am sorely tempted now to reject your command.” Thigocia flashed her eyebeams at him, bouncing them off his snout. “You have never explained how you survived the great flood. God declared through Noah that all flesh died except for those on the ark.”

Arramos turned on his own eyebeams, intersecting hers. “Noah wanted it to appear as if he was the only righteous one on Earth. All of his progeny and all creatures great and small would then be indebted to him for eternity. The fact is that the flood washed away the Watchers and Nephilim who had attacked me, and Michael the archangel carried me here to the Bridgelands until it was time for me to return. He taught me how to open the barriers between the dimensions so I could explore every realm.” Arramos moved his head directly in front of Thigocia’s. His eyes flashed, and his beams brightened. “The truth is really quite simple. Noah lied.”

Thigocia growled and spewed a line of fire between her and Arramos that charred the rocky sand at their feet. “I cannot accept that. Noah was a righteous man.”

Arramos stepped across the line. “And on this shaky foundation you and I must do battle. Makaidos had great faith in mankind—in Noah’s word and in the ideal of dragons serving men—but when man became corrupted, the ideal passed away. You have to admit that their behavior does not shed a kind light on man’s character. Even righteous Noah became drunk and exposed himself, so none of them can be trusted. I intend to invoke the Maker’s wrath upon these vermin and prevent the destruction of the Bridgelands.” He scraped his claws across the sand, obliterating the line. “I must protect my son at all costs!”

Thigocia turned away and gazed into the sky. “I am not ready to believe what you say about Noah, but I will help you destroy the tower. Earthbound man is not ready to ascend into Heaven. That much I know.”

“That is enough for me. Come. We will conduct a brief search for Makaidos, then we must find Roxil.”

She kept her gaze fixed above. “Please wait for me at the top of the ridge. I want to see the image of my mate one more time in private.”

“It is a mere rainbow you see, but I understand. If, however, you want more time to search for him in reality, you must hurry.” Arramos reared up on his haunches and rose into the air, skimming the river as he shot up the falls before disappearing.

Thigocia beat her wings and skittered across the shoals to the oracle’s pool. After stepping into it, she said, “Makaidos.” The image of her human husband again appeared in the spray. She studied it for a moment, trying to memorize every detail. Just before the portrait scattered, she noticed the rubellite ring on his finger. It carried a white gem.

After glancing at the ridge for a brief second, she turned back to the oracle and whispered so softly she could barely hear her own voice. “Arramos.”

The seven colored ribbons painted a new portrait, another human male standing in blackness without a walking stick. This middle-aged man was dressed like Enoch, the tunic and sandals identifying him as an ordinary citizen from the pre-flood days. She took a step closer and looked at the ring on his finger. A white gem graced the shiny gold band.

Thigocia floundered backwards. Flapping her wings again, she righted herself and made her way back to higher ground. What could it all mean? Why was Arramos a human in the oracle and a dragon on Earth? Something was wrong, very wrong.

She launched into the air and hurried to meet the dragon she still doubted, now even more than ever.

Chapter 5


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