Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,154

for Sapphira as soon as possible. Sleeping in the woods with Thigocia won’t be as cozy as a motel room.”

“Mother will keep her warm and dry,” Abigail said. “You can count on that.”

“We should have gotten a disguise at the outfitter’s store,” Walter continued. “They had backpacks, so they’re sure to have sunglasses and a floppy hat she could stuff her hair into.”

Gabriel raised a finger. “The clerk said there’s a Wal-Mart a couple of miles from our motel. I think that’s closer. If they’ll take your dad’s card, we’ll be in business.”

Ashley keyed a number into the phone. “You’re not taking the truck, are you?”

“No. I can hike that far.” Walter half closed one eye. “Are you saying my driving’s bad?”

Ashley lifted her eyebrows. “Don’t ask me. Ask those chickens you scattered.”

“There was traffic ahead, and I didn’t want anyone to see us.” Walter shrugged his shoulders. “So I had to invent a new road.”

Ashley lifted a shushing finger to her lips. “Hello, Larry. … Of course you knew it was me. Who else would call this number? Any news? … Okay. … Okay. … Anything else? … Got it. … I’m not sure yet. Want to test me? … A fourth root? In my head? … Okay. But no more than three digits. I’m tired. … Seven hundred, seventy-nine?” She rolled her eyes upward. “Let’s see, five point … two … eight … three.” She laid her hand on her head and winced. “What? … No, that’s all the digits you’re going to get. If you hear any news, give me a call on Walter’s phone.”

Gabriel grabbed another French fry. “It looks like you got your smarts back. I only knew it to two decimal places.”

“Really?” Ashley said, her brow lifting again, “I couldn’t do fourth roots until” She caught Gabriel smirking at Walter. “Brothers!” She threw a pillow at him and snatched away the bag of fries, but she couldn’t hide her grin.

Walter pointed at her closed fist. “Does that mean your healing power is back, too?”

“I guess so.” Ashley opened her hand, revealing the crystalline egg. “But I haven’t had a chance to try it yet.”

“I hope we don’t need it,” Walter said, “but if it’s back, it might come in handy.”

Her smile faded. “It’s too late for Karen,” she said softly as she looped her arm around Abigail’s. “I hope Sapphira and my mother can figure out how to get her body into the morgue.”

Walter drooped his head. “Yeah. That’ll be tricky. Maybe they should just bury her themselves or have Thigocia incinerate her.”

Ashley covered her eyes with a trembling hand. “Please. Talk about something else.”

Stroking her hair gently, Abigail kissed Ashley’s cheek. “We will.”

Everyone stayed quiet for more than a minute, nibbling fries and sipping drinks from straws. Finally, Gabriel spoke up. “So, did Larry have any news?”

Ashley wiped a tear and began counting on her fingers. “First, there’s no news anywhere about the giants or Arramos, so it’s a good bet that Mardon’s hiding out with them somewhere plotting his next move. Second, there’s a lot of creepy things going on, weird hairy creatures stalking the streets, sort of like ape men who don’t die when they’re shot, and people who are supposed to be dead showing up at their old homes, even a couple of murderers who were executed decades ago.”

“Wow!” Walter picked up a soft drink cup and loudly slurped the last drops. “That sounds like a bad zombie movie.”

“Tell me about it!” Ashley pointed at a third finger. “Finally, Sir Patrick is coming to the States with Sir Barlow and his knights. If we can get back to West Virginia, he’ll meet us at Walter’s house. Otherwise, he’ll figure out a way to get out here.”

“Why is he coming?” Walter asked.

“Larry didn’t say, but knowing Sir Patrick, I’m sure he’ll be able to help us straighten out this mess.”

Gabriel stood up and adjusted his backpack. “We don’t have much experience separating Earth and Hades. Time to call in the pros.” He stretched and turned to Walter. “I need some sleep. You coming?”

“Yeah.” Walter said, rising from his chair. “I’m beat.”

“Wait!” Ashley reached out a hand. “Walter, can you walk Abigail and me to our room first?”

“Uh, sure. No problem.” Walter nodded at Gabriel. “You go ahead. I’ll be there in a minute.”

After helping the ladies to their feet, Gabriel shuffled down the hall in one direction, while Walter and Abigail supported Ashley as she hobbled down the other.

When she stopped

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