Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,152

asked. “Did you find Timothy?”

Lifting a bone, Abraham nodded. “What’s left of him.”

Angel leaped forward and dropped to her knees. “No!” she wailed. She reached for the bone but jerked back and wrung her hands together. “It can’t be true! It just can’t be true!”

Listener leaned her head against her mother’s shoulder. “I was supposed to die instead of him. I wanted to save his daughters, and I wanted the pain to stop. The girl with white hair said all pain would end after the sacrifice.”

“And what of my son?” Abraham asked. “What has become of his soul?”

“I think he gave it up,” Listener said. “He wasn’t the chosen one, so I think he can’t go to Heaven now.”

Abraham shook his head, his frown deepening as his voice lowered to a growl. “I can believe that my son would give his life for another, but I cannot believe that God would send his soul to Hell in return.”

Angel guided her companion into her palm and held it in front of Abraham. “You have always taught us, Father, that if our companions are destroyed, our anchor in the afterlife is uprooted, and our souls would be set adrift. Listener explained to me that Timothy gave his adopted anchor as well as one of hers to his daughters. Perhaps the key to his destination lies with them. But I also must wonder what has become of Dragon. That companion was first his, and I am again bereft of my Adam’s memory.”

“Maybe I can look through that tube again,” Listener said. “Maybe the girl will come back, and I will ask her what has become of my father.”

Abraham climbed to his feet and picked up his torch. “You may ask her, precious child, but I think this mystery will remain until the warrior chief comes.” He nodded toward the cave entrance. “In the meantime, we have to avoid the shadow people and keep watch for a coming deceiver.”

Angel caressed a bone with her finger. “Perhaps we should collect these and bury them.”

“In the daylight.” Abraham reached for her. “Come. Every second increases our danger.”

Taking a helping hand from Abraham and Listener, Angel rose to her feet. Sweat slickened each pair of clasped hands as they walked toward the entrance.

Angel sighed. “Father?” she said, her voice trembling.

As their footsteps echoed in the tunnel, Abraham waited for a moment to answer as he struggled to gain control of his voice. Finally, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Yes, my child?”

“I loved him.” She, too, paused. Her words came slowly. “We needed each other. I thought he would be my Adam.”

Abraham nodded. “I loved him, too, but I don’t think he was ever meant to be your Adam.” He picked up his outer shirt and laid it over his shoulder. “Perhaps someday I’ll tell you the whole story, but I don’t think you can bear it so soon after this tragedy.”

Now in cooler air, Angel and Listener gathered their outer dresses and put them on. “Father Abraham,” Angel said, “I think it would be best if you hold on to your secrets. If Timothy and I ever meet again, he can tell me the story himself.”

Acacia clapped her hands together, snuffing the flames. The shining halo quivered and slowly shrank into nothingness. Dropping to her knees, she covered her face and cried, “Father Enoch! Timothy sacrificed himself!”

Enoch laid his hands on her shoulders. “Does this surprise you?”

Acacia didn’t answer. Her body just kept heaving as she sobbed on and on.

Elam drew near to Enoch, followed by Dikaios. “It doesn’t surprise me,” Elam said. “I met Timothy in Dragons’ Rest. I could tell he loved his daughter, no matter how much she rebelled against him. He would have done anything for her.” He nodded at the spot where the halo used to be. “Even that.”

Enoch helped Acacia rise to her feet. He turned her around and pushed her snowy hair from her lovely face, revealing tiny burns that marred her skin. “Your journey is just beginning,” he said. “Is the ark prepared?”

Acacia heaved once more, catching her breath. “Yes … Father Enoch. … I will go and get her.” She walked into the shield and disappeared in a flash of blue.

“Do you mean the ark from the prophecy?” Elam asked. “Are we ready to go on the next mission?”

“You are. The first is complete. The second, a far more complex assignment, awaits. You must leave immediately.”

Elam knelt at Naamah’s body and took her hand. “How will

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