Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,147

steps and breathed a weak stream of fire over Thigocia’s scales.

As Walter moved into position, Sapphira guided Ashley to a safe spot behind the pillar, then carefully dragged Karen’s body there as well. Walter lit up Excalibur’s beam and lowered it to the floor. The energy surged through the concrete and sizzled into Thigocia, combining the light with Roxil’s fire and covering the dragon healer with a glittering mix of sparks and flaming tongues.

After a few seconds, Thigocia thumped her tail on the floor. “Stop! I feel him moving.”

Walter doused the beam. Roxil snuffed her flames. As Thigocia uncovered Gabriel and reared back to give him breathing room, everyone drew closer.

Gabriel blinked at the five faces staring down at him. “What are you all looking at?” he asked, rubbing his cheek. “Am I on fire?”

“Close.” Walter reached down and latched on to Gabriel’s wrist. “Get up, lazybones. Your mother’s been trying to get you out of bed.”

Riding Walter’s upward pull, Gabriel rose and stood on wobbly legs. After stabilizing his body, he spread out his wings and smiled at Thigocia. “Dragon or not, I’d recognize you anywhere.” He took a tremulous step toward her and held out his arms.

With a quick sweep of her wing, she folded him in and nuzzled him cheek to cheek. “You’re still a teenager! I expected you to be much older!”

“It’s a long story. You see”

“Better hold that story,” Walter interrupted. “We have to get back to business.” He looked up at the beam connecting Earth to the land in the sky. Ashley followed his gaze. A huge red bolt split into five fingers and knifed into Earth, raising violent splashes of sparks and flames. As thunder shook the ground, Walter set his feet to ride it out. “I’ve got a feeling that if we don’t knock that tower down soon, we’re gonna be at ground zero for some serious fireworks. Anybody got any ideas?”

“I don’t, but maybe they do.” Sapphira’s blue eyes glistened as she watched the people up above. “I can still see Elam. I wish I knew what he was thinking. Maybe he could tell us what to do.”

“Too far to yell.” Walter picked up a splintered two-by-four. “And I don’t think smoke signals would work, either.”

“I could try to fly up there,” Gabriel offered, “but something tells me it could be lethal to cross the dimensional boundary.”

Taking Sapphira’s hand, Ashley watched the scene at the far end of the tunnel. A girl with white hair, a teenaged boy, an old man, and a horse stood around a shimmering oval. Ashley pointed. “Is that Elam between the girl and the old man?”

“Yes, and the girl is my sister Acacia.”

“She certainly resembles you, and the man looks familiar, like I’ve seen him” Ashley took a quick breath and pointed. “Elam is staring straight at us.”

Sapphira’s grip tightened on Ashley’s hand. “You’re right! He is!” She took several steps forward and gazed up at her long-lost friend, so close, yet still separated by a barrier neither one could cross. She lifted a hand and wiggled her fingers, their sign of love that began many centuries ago when she fed him and saved his life. Slowly, he raised his hand and wiggled his fingers. Trembling, Sapphira pressed her lips together, trying not to cry. Would she ever see him again? Would she ever get to whisper in his ear the words she longed to say?

Elam jerked around and glanced at Acacia, then frantically waved both arms at Sapphira.

Walter pulled Sapphira back. “I don’t like the looks of this. I think he’s telling us to run for it!”

As Timothy and Listener huddled near the cave entrance, a rustling sound, then a frantic call, pierced the forest. “Timothy!”

Timothy whispered to Listener. “It is almost time. Are you ready?”

She kissed Timothy’s cheek, and, after taking a deep breath, she leaned toward the tunnel.

He held her fast. “Not just yet. A few more seconds.” He withdrew the dagger from his belt and held it close to her neck, whispering, “Are you frightened?”

She shook her head slowly, but, even in the dim moonlight, he could see her throat move up and down in a tight swallow.

“Timothy! No!” Abraham broke through the shadows, followed by Angel. They halted and shielded their eyes from the tunnel’s blazing light. “Timothy! There has to be another way!”

Angel held out her arms for her daughter. “Listener! Come to me. He can’t make you do this!”

Listener shook her head and interlocked her fingers with Timothy’s. She

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