Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,134

even gloomier. “The tunnel is ready, Father.”

While Elam, Naamah, and the ten wanderers gathered to watch the hypnotizing aura, Enoch bent over and peered through the light from Acacia’s side of the oval. “I’m not sure when the sacrifice will arrive. Can you hold it in place?”

As the swirling light pulsed, Acacia kept her hands moving in small circles. “For a while. It isn’t hard.”

“As you know, it will get harder.” Enoch began pacing in front of the audience. “The storm clouds gathering overhead are the fingers of Earth reaching into this realm. As they grow, they will dissolve the Bridgelands, the dimensional barrier between Heaven and Earth, and bring the eternal kingdom into mankind’s reach. Although such a result might sound appealing, you cannot imagine the catastrophe that would occur if the corrupt meets the holy.”

He raised his finger toward the sky, still pacing. “If the passage between the two realms opens, it will seem as though an entire world is closing in on us. Some kind of energy-based connection will be made between Earth and Heaven’s shield, a path between the two worlds that must be destroyed. Our weapon will be our own energy surge from Acacia’s portal that should break the connection.”

Enoch halted and nodded at Zane. “You and your fellows must stand in the path coming from Earth. Your goal is to keep the energy flow from striking Acacia when she moves into position to unleash our weapon.”

Zane bowed his head. “We will be honored.”

Joining Zane at his side, Elam clenched his fist. “We’ll make sure we block it. You can count on us.”

“Not you, my son. Not yet.” Enoch curled his finger, gesturing for Elam to come closer. “If you were to walk into a cross-dimensional path without protection, it could easily kill you. Zane and his followers are already dead, and the bodies they have now should not be affected by the connecting path.”

Elam ground his teeth together. That wasn’t what he wanted to hear. Leaning close, he whispered, “What do we do if they can’t block the flow? I don’t have enough confidence in them to risk Acacia’s life. Since she’s still alive, wouldn’t the path hurt her, too?”

“Acacia is the only one who can accomplish her task,” Enoch whispered back, “and she is aware of the risk. So, the connection beam must be broken at all costs. Otherwise, millions on the Earth could die.”

“But if Zane and his men fail, is there any other option?”

Enoch glanced at the ten men once more before answering. “There is another option, a short prophecy I received last night, but I hope we don’t have to face it.” Drawing Elam even closer, Enoch sang quietly into his ear.

Son of man, O son of mine,

Your land has need of cleansing rain.

Conspiring teachers weave their lies

To make the holy foul, profane.

Art thou a son or just a hire?

Go stand before your land of sin

To stay my angels’ swords of fire

And fill the gap from deep within.

Enoch pushed Elam back and laid a palm across his cheek. “Do you understand, Elam, my son?”

“Yes, Father Enoch.” Elam let out a long sigh. “I think I do.”

As daylight faded, Abraham and Timothy strolled along the road that led to the birthing garden. With the people of the village settling down for their evening meal, the two men had no need to assume the praying posture. As doors opened and closed in the humble homes to allow latecomers entry, firelight revealed fathers, mothers, and children gathered around stone tables, some with hands linked in prayer, others already enjoying the bounty of the harvest—food, warmth, and love.

The aroma of stewing vegetables hung in the chilled air. Timothy took a long sniff. Pepper and paprika spiced his nostrils and stung the back of his throat, a good sting that raised memories of Hannah’s homemade sausages, hot and steaming on the plate as she gazed at him lovingly, waiting for him to take the first delicious bite.

The fragrance of the villagers’ contentment carried both bliss and pain. Memories brought smiles, yet coated his heart with sorrow. With Hannah dead, that bliss was forever gone, burned away with the flames that ravaged their home. He blew a sigh and pushed his hands into his pockets. His companion nuzzled his ear but kept quiet.

As they reached the end of the road and stepped onto a dirt path, Abraham laid an arm over Timothy’s shoulder. “You have held your tongue all day. Will you tell me nothing of

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