Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,123

curled her hands into fists. “She came from the pod that way, one companion in each hand. The Prophet tells us it means she has been placed here for a great purpose.”

“A purpose yet to be determined.” Abraham patted Listener on the head, then touched the lace on Angel’s wrist. “You seem to be dressed for seasonal prayers. Have I misread the calendar?”

A slight blush colored Angel’s cheeks as she fanned the skirt. “I just thought you and Timothy might be tired of seeing me dressed for dragon riding.”

“We walked all the way,” Candle said. “Grackle whined like a baby until we got out of sight.”

Listener slid her hand into Timothy’s and walked toward the door, pulling him along. As he followed, he looked back at Angel, raising his eyebrows again.

“Listener?” Angel started toward them. “What are you doing?”

“Angel,” Abraham called. “Let them go.”

Angel halted in midstep and merely followed with her gaze. “I left the bag by the door,” she said to Listener, “if that’s what you’re going to show him.”

Listener glanced back at her mother, but her face stayed somber. When she reached the outside railing that bordered the road, she stopped and pulled Timothy down to his knees. Then, her eyes wide, she stared directly into his, gripping both of his hands tightly.

Timothy caressed the tops of her scaly hands with his thumbs. “What is it, Listener? What are you trying to tell me?”

Her lips trembled, but no words came out. Lifting a hand, she touched his cheek, then looked up toward the sun.

“Oh! You’re wondering why my face glows.” He covered her hand with his. “I saw this magnificent girl, an angel, I think, who told me an amazing story about a sacrificial lamb.”

Listener drew in a quick breath and stepped back. She laid a hand on her chest, rubbing the gingham material.

Swallowing a painful lump, Timothy whispered, “Are you the lamb?”

She returned a single nod.

“Did someone come to you and tell you this?”

Again, a single nod.

Glancing left and right, Timothy leaned closer. “Someone from around here?”

Listener shook her head and pointed at a shoulder bag sitting by the door.

“Do you want me to look in the bag?”

She bobbed her head again.

Timothy hustled to the door and brought the bag. Reaching in, he found a spyglass and raised it to his eye. “Did you see something unusual through this?” With his other eye he caught her affirmative nod once again.

He lowered the spyglass. “Did you see a girl with white hair and a blue cloak over a white dress?”

Listener gasped. This time she grabbed his hand and nodded excitedly. Her two companions seemed to flash, mirroring her emotions.

Timothy glanced at the Prophet’s door. Inside, Angel peered out, but Abraham closed the door in front of her.

Extending his hand slowly, Timothy brushed his finger against one of the companions. More opaque than the other, the faint eyes inside seemed older, weaker. With a quick snatch, he grasped the companion and pulled it behind him. It buzzed furiously in his grip, but he stiffened his fingers and pressed his fist against his back.

Listener shuddered, but instead of an expression of pain, a gentle smile grew on her face. Her skin smoothed, and a healthy blush refreshed her cheeks.

“Do you feel better?” he asked.

Glancing at the door, Listener cleared her throat. At first, her lips parted, and a raspy gurgle came out, but then a whispered phrase. “I … I can talk?”

Timothy raised a finger to his lips. “Shhh …” The companion in his hand heated up, stinging his palm as it lurched to get out. He had to hurry. “Do you want to be the sacrifice for my daughters?”

She formed each word carefully. “Yes. … It is all … I have dreamed of … ever since the … beautiful girl told me … through that tube.”

“But why? You are so young. You have so much to live for.”

“I hurt. … Always hurt.” She angled her body to look behind his back where he held her missing companion. “But not now.” She laid a hand on his chest. “I want to … save your girls … and stop your hurt.”

Timothy wiped a tear from his eye. His throat twisting in a knot, he tried to speak. “Your mother … and your brother … will miss you.”

Listener’s voice strengthened. “The girl in white said … my mommy killed me a long time ago in another world. Angel is my new mommy … Only not really.” She lowered her chin and

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