Engaging his Enemy (Shattered SEALs #4) - Amy Gamet Page 0,45

her as a ringing bell, and her already beleaguered nervous system ramped up again.

The smaller man yelled, “Only after you get off the boat!”

“As soon as we set foot on that ladder, you’re going to shoot us,” called Zach.

“It seems we’re at an impasse.”

Davina turned to see who was speaking, a man’s voice from out of the darkness. The sound of dress shoes clicked on the pavement, and a silver-haired man appeared as if from nowhere.

“I want my boat,” the old man said. “And you want your family. Isn’t that right, Moto? That’s what they call you, I know.” He walked closer to the ship, his voice carrying on the humid night air. “I know all about you. I know about HERO Force. I know about your son, Wyatt. I know you are a man with much to live for, not the least of which is this woman, here.” He gestured to Davina, and she felt dizzy with fear.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Ben sway, and she turned to catch him as he went down, his weight pulling them both toward the ground. Two pops sounded in quick succession, the men who’d held them captive suddenly dropping, darkness spreading across their chests as the smell of blood tinged the air.

The old man fired a gun at the ship. Davina screamed, though she could no longer see Zach on the vessel’s deck, and she hoped he had managed to escape. The old man headed toward her, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her to a stand, an unconscious Ben rolling to the pavement. The man held his gun to her head. “Get off my ship, now!” he bellowed.

She stared at the spot where she’d last seen him, waiting for him to materialize. Seconds ticked by, then what seemed like minutes.

“You leave me no choice,” shouted the man. “I will start with your brother.” He aimed the weapon at Ben’s head. Davina screamed.

“Wait!” yelled Zach. “We’re right here. In the water.” He and Razorback swam for a ladder on the side of the berth. “You can have your damn ship. Just let them go.” Moto got out first, the men soaking wet, their empty hands in the air.

“You stupid fools. Do you really think I would let you live?” The man lowered his weapon to fire on the men, just as Sloan looped a wire over his neck and pulled it tight. Davina ran toward Moto, when suddenly a fireball exploded below the water, lifting up the ship and throwing it back down with a thunderous boom. Flames shot out of the top deck, as DeRegina’s body twitched in the throes of death and Davina was wrapped tightly in Zach’s arms.


Davina stared out the window as Zach drove along the familiar streets to her house. She’d called Wyatt from the hospital, where Zach had insisted she get checked out, and asked Justin’s mom if Wyatt could stay overnight again. He didn’t know anything about what had transpired tonight, and if he saw her right now he’d know something was terribly wrong.

She was shaken to her core by what she’d seen and experienced, the ease with which Zach handled it showing her he was clearly used to such traumatic events. He treated her gently, holding her hand and stroking her hair, never expecting her to talk or even asking how she was feeling. He was simply a steadfast presence by her side, and she appreciated him more than she could have imagined.

Now she was exhausted and drained, wanting only to slip into her own bed and let her mind decompress for a while. Seeming to understand what she needed, he walked her upstairs and sat her on the edge of the bed, taking off her shoes and peeling away her socks. It was such an intimate gesture, and she wanted to shy away from it even as she desperately wanted the help.

After pulling back the covers, he settled her inside, then tucked her in tightly. “Do you want me to stay? Just for company?” he asked, and climbed in beside her when she nodded her head.

She was asleep within moments, the rise and fall of his chest and the familiar scent of his body all the lulling she needed to let go of her difficult day. She was safe here in his arms, safer than she’d ever felt in her life, and she wasn’t capable of any thought beyond that.

She dreamed of bombs and lightning strikes, and when she

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