The Engagement Arrangement (Boots and Bouquets #2) - Jaci Burton Page 0,80

and Laurel’s car arrived to take them home. After that, Brenna and Honor got to listen to Erin sing to them from the back seat on the thirty-minute drive to Erin’s house.

Honor slanted Brenna a murderous look, then whispered, “It’s a good thing she’s not still living with us, because I would murder her in her sleep.”

Brenna resisted the urge to laugh, but she felt her sister’s pain, because with every song Erin got louder and more obnoxious.

They got to Erin’s place and the lights were on. It looked like Jason was already back from his bachelor party. He stepped outside just as they parked.

“No wild night for you, huh?”

“Nah. I got home about eleven thirty.”

“Babe!” Erin stumbled out of the back seat and threw her arms around him. “Did you know I was getting married?”

Jason gave Brenna and Honor a bemused smile before pulling Erin off him. “I’ve gotten wind of it. Did you have fun tonight?”

“So much fun. I sang.”

He grimaced, then smiled. “You did, huh?”

“Want me to sing to you?”

“Uh, sure. Let’s go inside.” He threw a smile over his shoulder. “Thanks for bringing her home. And for taking her out.”

“It was fun.”

Erin tilted her head back. “Love you both.”

“Love you, too, Erin,” Brenna said.

“Love you, sis,” Honor said.

They both cringed as Erin started singing a love song to Jason while they walked away.

“Poor Jason,” Honor said.

“Hey, he asked for it,” Brenna said. “He fell in love with her.”

Brenna laughed.

They climbed back in the car and headed toward the house.

“I’m going to be honest here,” Brenna said. “I was so happy to dump her on Jason.”

“I guess he can be the one who holds her hair tonight, huh?”

Brenna cracked a smile. “I guess so.”


• • • • • •


ERIN BENT OVER and took several fast breaths. “I knew this was going to be a disaster. We should have eloped.”

Brenna rubbed Erin’s back and looked over at Honor, the two of them realizing that their sister was having a meltdown on her wedding day.

“It’s going to be fine, honey,” Honor said. “The florist said they were only going to be a half hour late. It’s no big deal.”

Erin twisted her head to the side to look at Honor. “It’s a nightmare. Monica double-booked herself and I don’t have anyone to do makeup, and now the florist is late. What’s next? The groom doesn’t show up? Because I’ve had that happen before and I’m telling you both right now that I will lose it if Jason is a no-show.”

“Of course Jason’s going to show up,” Brenna said. “He can’t wait to marry you.”

“And I’ve already put in three calls to our best makeup artists,” Honor said. “I’m sure someone will be available.”

Again, Honor gave Brenna that worried look. So there might be a few mishaps today. But the one thing Brenna was certain of was that Jason would be there. And he wouldn’t care if Erin walked down the aisle with no makeup, messy hair and wearing her llama pajamas, as long as he got to marry her today.

Though Erin wouldn’t think of that as her ideal bridal look.

Honor’s phone buzzed. She held up her hand and stepped out of Erin’s former bedroom to take the call.

“See? That’s probably one of the makeup artists right now,” Brenna said.

Erin groaned. “Or maybe the caterers are canceling and we’ll be forced to have grilled hot dogs for dinner.”

This was why Honor dealt with brides. Brenna sucked in a deep breath and forced a benevolent smile on her sister.

“We are not having hot dogs for dinner. I’m telling you, that’s one of the makeup artists on the phone.”

“Yeah, likely telling Honor no. We should have eloped. I suggested eloping last week and Jason said, ‘No, babe. Everything will work out fine.’ Shows you what he knows. Who’s the wedding expert around here? Is it him? Nope. It’s me. But did he listen and hop a flight to Vegas with me? He did not. And now look. Everything is falling apart.”

Brenna sighed. She was going to have to do something to keep Erin’s spirits up.

Or maybe get her drunk. Tequila was the great equalizer.

“Great news,” Honor said as she walked back into the room. “Ellen Pinkston has a client right now, but after that she’s free and will gather her crew and be here by one p.m. to do makeup.”

Erin blew out a breath. “Oh, bless her. Remind me to give Ellen a very generous tip.”

“Noted,” Honor said.

When Erin’s phone rang, Brenna glanced Copyright 2016 - 2024