The Engagement Arrangement (Boots and Bouquets #2) - Jaci Burton Page 0,78

Brenna toward the house. Murphy was asleep on the porch.

Good dog.

When they got to the front door, he said, “At least I didn’t keep you up all night.”

She reached up and curved her hand around his neck, pulling him down for a brief kiss. When she pulled back, he couldn’t help but get lost in her eyes.

“It was just perfect,” she said. “And exactly what I needed.”

“Same here.” He called to Murphy, who bounded up and followed him to the truck.

He climbed in and waited until Brenna waved and went inside, shutting the door behind her.

Then he smiled and left for his house.


• • • • • •


JASON HADN’T WANTED a big blowout bachelor party, so they decided to give Owen’s brew pub some business and gathered there for a night of food and fun. Owen had closed the place down for a private party and they catered in barbecue ribs and chicken and sides, which would go perfectly with beer. Plus there was a hockey game on.

Finn couldn’t think of a more perfect night with the guys. Jason seemed relaxed, eating and drinking with his friends and family while they watched the game. Finn grabbed his beer and went up to the bar where Owen was filling up glasses.

“What can I get for you?” Owen asked.

“I’m good right now, thanks. Did you eat?”

“I will, later.”

“Hey, everyone’s got their food. You go grab something.”

Owen looked around and saw that everyone was seated, eating and drinking and watching the game. “Okay. I’ll fill a plate and be right back.”

Finn leaned against the bar to watch the game, groaning along with the rest of the guys when his team got called for high-sticking and sent to the penalty box, giving the opposing team a power play.

“I can’t believe Bennett got called for that,” Owen said as he came back to the bar with his plate.

Finn was happy to see Owen’s plate filled with chicken, ribs, beans and some cornbread.

“Yeah. Let’s just hope the other team doesn’t score on us.”

It was a tense two minutes on the power play, but defense and their outstanding goalie held them back without a goal.

Finn swiveled on his stool to face Owen. “We got lucky.”

“Sure did.” Owen wiped his hands. “These ribs are great.”

“Aren’t they? I ate way too many.”

“My appetite isn’t there just yet, but I’m working on it.”

Finn was glad to see Owen eating. And working. They watched the game for a while, and he noticed that Owen didn’t join the group.

“Is this weird for you?” he asked.

Owen gave him a curious look. “Is what weird?”

“This. Jason getting ready to marry Erin.”

“Nope. They’re both right where they’re supposed to be—with each other. Erin and I both realized we weren’t the ones for each other. I look at that whole nonwedding debacle as setting the universe right. I mean, the way I handled it? Totally wrong and a colossal fuckup on my part. But the end result?” He looked over at Jason, who threw his head back and laughed at something Clay said. “Yeah, that worked out. They’re both so damn happy together, you know?”

Finn nodded. “Yes, they are. But how about you? Are you happy?”

Owen laid his fork down and took a long swallow of water, then smiled. “I’m surviving right now and that’s all I can ask for. As far as my future? I’ll just be happy to have one. Anything other than that is a bonus.”

Finn lifted his beer. “Amen to that, brother.”

He could see Owen’s outlook—positive, and concentrating only on his health right now. The fact that he was so happy for Jason and Erin meant a lot, all things considered.

Sometimes letting the past go was the healthiest thing you could do for yourself.

Jason came over and put his arm around Finn’s shoulders. “You two gonna hide out over here all night, or are you gonna join the party?”

“I’m tending bar,” Owen said.

“Yeah, yeah. You might have begged off being my best man, but you’re still my best bud and part of this thing tonight. So get your ass over here and talk shit about me like a best man should.”

Owen gave Jason a look of pure brotherly love, then grabbed his water. “Oh, I’ve got some stories.”

Jason and Finn both grinned.

“Now the party’s getting started,” Finn said, taking hold of his beer to join the group.

* * *

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If Brenna hadn’t restrained Erin, she was certain her sister would have climbed on top of the Copyright 2016 - 2024