The Engagement Arrangement (Boots and Bouquets #2) - Jaci Burton Page 0,51

his T-shirt, staring down at her with something that looked like unbridled lust in his eyes. He shoved his jeans down, put the condom on and leaned over her, grasping her hips to pull her toward him.

“I like you like this, spread out on my kitchen table like my morning feast.”

She shuddered at his words, then raised one of her legs to slide her foot against his shoulder.

He grabbed her foot, kissed it, then rested it against his shoulder as he slid into her.

It was slow and easy at first, then faster, the table shaking as they rocked together. She gasped as he thrust and withdrew, then let out a moan of pleasure as he laid his fingers against her clit to take her right to the edge and over. She tilted her head back and cried out as she came. He was there with her, leaning forward to sweep her up in a demanding kiss as he shuddered with his orgasm.

They panted together and she held tight to him. What a perfect way to wake up this had been.

An amazingly built man right in her own backyard who had given her mind-blowing sex and multiple orgasms. Why had she waited all these years to jump him?

His breath blew hot against her neck and she shivered.

He raised up to look down at her. “Cold?”

“To the contrary. Quite hot.”

“Hell yes you are.” He lifted her off the table and set her on her feet, and then they both went into the bathroom to clean up.

Once again, her hair was a wild bird’s nest. “I need a shower.”

“I’ll be sweating all day, so I’ll pass,” he said. “And you’re beautiful.”

He turned her to face him and pressed his lips softly against hers, then let her go so she could wind her hair up into a bun.

He stared at her in the mirror.

“What?” she asked.

“You have the most incredible freckles across your cheeks and nose.”

She wrinkled said nose. “I’ve never liked them.”

He frowned. “The hell you say. They’re one of the sexiest things about you.”

No one had ever said her freckles were sexy. Cute, adorable, juvenile, whatever. But sexy? Never.

She turned and lifted up on her toes to take a nibble of his chin. “And your beard stubble is hot as hell.”

He slanted a hot smile at her. “Good to know you like it. I’ll keep that in mind for the next time my face is between your legs.”

Her entire body quivered. “Now that image will be on my mind the rest of the day while I’m working.”

She got dressed and he walked with her to the door. He swept her into his arms and kissed her—a hot, long, hard kiss that heated her up and made her wish they could spend the entire day together. But she had work to do and Finn did as well, so when they broke the kiss, she sighed.

“That was nice,” she said, unable to resist laying her palm against his chest, just to feel the hard muscle there. “Maybe I’ll see you tonight.”

“Maybe I’ll be here.”

She gave him a smile and walked toward the house, happy to see absolutely no one as she snuck her way up the stairs and into her room. She took a quick shower, wound her hair up and fastened it with a clip, then put on a sundress and sandals. She made her way down the stairs, stopping in the kitchen where she grabbed a cup of coffee and a cinnamon roll that Louise had left on the counter—bless her. She went into her office, answered a few e-mails and did some paperwork before it was time for the meeting.

Erin was already in the room, of course, her planners and her laptop perfectly organized.

“Is Agatha with you?”

“She was, but then she spotted Finn’s dog when we got here so now the two of them are running amok outside.”

“Awesome. Murphy will enjoy having a friend today.”

Honor dashed in, closing the door behind her. “Sorry I’m late. I had an upset bride to deal with and once she gets talking I can’t get her off the phone.”

“What was she upset about?” Erin asked.

“Flower arrangements. It was a minor thing, but you know how brides get.”

“Do we ever,” Brenna said.

Honor blew out a breath and laid her things on the table. “She has a lot of ideas. Like, a lot of ideas.”

Brenna leaned back and sipped her coffee. “Doable ideas, hopefully?”

“She wants a waterfall. In the middle of the vineyard.”

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