The Enforcer - Kelli Callahan Page 0,63

leather jacket with a possessive grip on Diana Marshall. “Oh, you’re Diana’s kid.”

“That’s what she tells me.” Her eyes flash at me, a quick smile illuminating her lovely face.

“You know, you look just like her. Except for your eyes.”

“Yeah, mine are blue,” she nods.

“Yeah,” I look back down to her foot. “Well, I think I should go get your mom.”

“No, wait. Let’s sit here in the silence for a little bit longer. Before the hysteria ensues.”

“What?” I laugh. “I don’t know if that would be very responsible of me.”

“Well, if it helps, I’m not actually a kid. I’m legally an adult now. So you’re not required to notify her of anything.”

“You’re eighteen?”

“Nineteen, actually. Or at least, I will be this year.”

“Oh.” I avert my gaze again, a little uncomfortable with the way she is watching me.

“How about you?” she asks.

“Twenty-nine,” I say, glancing back to her face, not wanting to be rude.

“Aren’t you a little young to be a mayor?” she asks, her large blue eyes, searching my face in a way that makes me self-conscious.

“No, I don’t think so. I worked pretty hard to be where I am. Someday I’ll be governor,” I grin.

“Yeah, my stepdad used to say the same thing.”

“The difference is that I’m not an abusive asshat.” I shrug, remembering the news reports of one Michael Marshall.

Her mouth drops open.

“I’m sorry, does that offend you?” I ask.

“No, not at all, it’s the truth. It’s just not something I was expecting to hear from someone like you,” she says, pleasure coloring her cheeks.

“Someone like me?” I watch as her eyes flick down at my lips.

“You know, someone so polished. Put together. Goody-goody,” she coos, and I roll my eyes.

“You’re calling me ‘goody-goody?’” I slide my hands into my pockets, letting her foot fall back down.

“Well, aren’t you?” she urges.

“I’m not entirely clear where this conversation is going.” I glance over my shoulder, wondering how her Mom will react to her daughter flirting with me in such a shameless manner.

“Why is that? Because I’m onto you?” She grins.

“No, because you’re a little young for me,” I say, my lips twitching into a half-smile. Who’s onto who now?

“You think I’m hitting on you?” she asks, lifting an elegant brow. It reminds me once again of her mother.

“Aren’t you?” I challenge, curving my mouth into a cocky smirk.

It throws her off for a moment. “Well, if I wasn’t, I’m certainly considering it now,” she admits.

I laugh. “Yeah, okay. You stay here. I’ll get your mother.” I turn away, but she grasps my forearm. Looking down, I see her long fingers holding me firm. “Yes?” I lift a brow.

“Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you and see the rest of your tattoo.”

My heart pounds harder in my chest. “Is that right?” My voice sounds distant as all the blood rushes to different parts of my body.

“Yeah, it is.”

“You can’t see it all, it goes all the way up to my shoulder,” I explain, the skin beneath her hands heating.

“Take it off then,” she purrs.

“Take what off?” I ask, swallowing hard.


“Holly,” I say, pulling my arm from her grasp. “You are absolutely stunning,” I say, taking in the delicate heart shaped face, the soft lips, and the round blue eyes.

The silence between us feels almost tangible.

“I feel like there’s supposed to be a ‘but’ after that sentence,” she says carefully.

I swallow hard.

“But... I don’t think this is wise.”

“What isn’t?” she asks, rising and placing all her weight on her good foot. She stands an inch away from me, her eyes nearly level with mine.

“This. Whatever this is between us right now,” I stammer as she moves closer, our bodies almost touching.

“Holly!” her mother calls as Holly stumbles back like shrapnel exploding through the air. She falls onto the table and knocks over more boxes.

“Oh, Christ,” I say, reaching forward to catch her and help her back onto her feet. I feel her body pressed against mine as she stares into my eyes one last time.

“Holly, are you okay?” Diana rushes over.

“Yeah, Mom, I’m fine. I just hurt my foot.” The words fall flat as she pulls her eyes away from mine and faces her mother.

“Oh, Samson, thank you so much for catching her like that. Holly’s always been a little clumsy,” Diana exclaims.

“I have not,” Holly argues as I release her. She stumbles, and I grab her again, holding her upright.

“I was in the process of coming to get you,” I say. “A box of cans fell on her foot and it looks like it might be broken.”

“Oh my gosh, Holly, are you okay?” her mother asks, looking down at her foot, gasping at the purple and blue hues.

“Gee, thanks,” Holly says, turning to face me. I shrug.

“Oh my gosh, I’m gonna be sick,” Diana says, she covers her mouth as Sam walks over. “I’m sorry, I have never done well with her injuries.

“It’s true,” Holly says. “Once, when I was twelve, I cut my hand slicing an apple and she fainted. Literally fainted. We both needed stitches that day,”

“What did you crack your head on a cabinet?” I ask Diana.

“The corner of the table,” Holly says.

“Right,” I say, frowning down at the women and wondering if I should drive them to the hospital myself.

“God, I didn’t know it was that bad,” Sam gushes. “We really should get you out of here.”

“No, I’m fine, I just need to sit here a little longer with my knight in shining armor and rest up for a bit.

Diana gives me a quizzical look as I close my eyes, embarrassment coloring my cheeks.

“Aw, look how cute he is when he’s on the spot,” Holly says, and my eyes open wide in disbelief. “But, no, guys, seriously, I’m fine. Jake, no!” She holds out her hand in protest as Jake walks over, tosses her over his shoulder, and carries her towards the door. “This is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me, Mom,” Holly growls, her eyes fierce.

I can’t help but laugh.

“Sorry, sweetie. It’s for the best.” Diana calls.

“So?” Holly protests, squirming to face me.

“That’s my daughter. She’s kind of a handful,” Diana says, her face apologetic.

“That’s fine,” I laugh, trying not to think about the young woman. “She’s… spirited.” I search for the words.

“Oh, she is that. Nineteen and thinks she knows everything there is about the world. Oh, to be young and naive again,” Diana says, patting me on the shoulder. “I guess I’ll see you around, Samson. I gotta go to the emergency room now.”

“Yeah, I’ll take care of everything here. It’s a good opportunity for me to get into the community.”

“Excellent. Thank you so much!”

“Not a problem. Go look after your kid.”

“Hmm. I will, thank you so much,” she repeats, throwing her Coach bag over her shoulder and jogging out the door where Holly and Jake have disappeared.

“Well, isn’t that interesting? Everything okay?” Aaron asks, planting himself beside me.

“Yeah, she’s hurt but I think everything was taken care of,” I say, watching the door swing shut behind Diana.

“Good. Now tell me, how does a young guy like you become mayor?”

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About the Author

Kelli writes billionaires, bad boys, and alpha protectors that are hot-as-sin and filthy to the core. If you want to stay up to date with all things Kelli, sign up to her mailings list here.


Cruel Temptation

Lying Hearts

Alway The Enemy

Kiss My Boss

Daddy’s Kilted Friend

My Enemy’s Daddy

Fire and Desire

My Ex-Boyfriend’s Daddy

Hatefully Yours

Her Secret Santa

Devious Intentions

Once Upon A Daddy

Secret Indiscretions

Forbidden Kiss

Obsessed With A Daddy

Indebted To A Daddy

Beast Daddy

My Bully’s Daddy

Interview With A Daddy

Daddy’s Best Friend

Best Friend’s Daddy

Distinguished Daddy

Caged By Them

Ravaged By Them

Broken By Them

Ruined By Them

Taken By Them

Surrender To Them Box Set

The Professor

The Officer

The Convict Copyright 2016 - 2024