The Enforcer - Kelli Callahan Page 0,56

back away.

“That won’t be necessary,” Kenton sighs. “Come on you two break it up.” He steps between us. “We’ve got a murderer to catch. Just stay out of our way,” he demands, turning to Noah, who raises his hands in a peace gesture, and I have to stifle a laugh.

Noah and I have so many silent jokes like this. We’re in sync in a way that’s almost scary. But now that we’re going into yet another battle is something that I’m grateful for. You need someone who’s going to have your back. Who can know what you’re going to do right as you do it, walking side by side. I look around us, searching for signs of an intruder.

“Are we sure he’s here?” McKinnon asks.

“Yeah, he’s here,” Kenton says, and I follow his gaze to the parked Toyota Camry in front of the McMahon place.

There isn’t movement in the front yard. Though in the distance I hear a hacking sound like he’s chopping wood.

“Alright, men,” Kenton says, leading us closer to the house, guns raised. “You wait for my signal,” he says, turning to face me, and I nod.

I don’t want to follow his orders, but I recognize that maybe he has more experience storming buildings and taking in suspects. Generally, I just show up and give an ass-kicking.

Creeping around the side of the house, I feel my blood go cold as I see the man before me. His blue eyes looking up at the sun, a hatchet in his hands. He’s not very big, maybe five foot six, and has a wiry build. Experience tells me that he’s quick on his feet. Why would a man like this, go after Diana? I wonder as my fingers itch to clasp tightly around his throat.

“Is that him?” Kenton whispers in my ear, and I nod.

A loud crashing sound draws all eyes to fucking McKinnon. Leave it to that bastard to ruin everything.

Callaghan books it for the tree line, and I race after him. He’s so much faster than me.

“Come on, let’s go-go-go-go!” the men shout. As we barrel full speed ahead. It feels like a pack of wolves chasing a wild rabbit.

“Don’t let him get away,” Kenton shouts as I jump over a log.

I’m faster than a lot of them. But Noah is still at least 10 feet ahead of me. And that much behind Callaghan

“Stop, or we will shoot,” Kenton says, and I hear a single bullet fire.

I glance over my shoulder and watch as the gun lowers from the sky; Callaghan never pauses.

“I don’t think he’s worried about being shot,” I pant, feeling winded; and I don’t think Kenton has enough air in his lungs to give me a snide remark.

Looking down on my feet as I jump over a rock, I look up, and both Noah and Callaghan are missing from my view.

I gasp, feeling the earth disappear beneath me and fall to the ground below. I curse in pain as my arm collides with a boulder.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I bellow, looking around. A loud thump echoes in my ears. I hear it before I feel it. I’m on the ground, staring up at the sky. My head feels like something exploded against it, raising my hand slowly and touching the top of my head. I see crimson on my fingertips.

“You sneaky bastard,” a familiar voice shouts, and a loud smack lands.

It’s a wet sound that can only be described by witnessing that fist collide with soft skin.

“What kind of low life―” Smack, “attacks a man when he’s not ready for it?” Smack.

Rolling over onto my side, completely dazed, shaking my head, trying to clear my vision. I stare as Noah stands. Fists raised in a battle against Callaghan who’s as quick with his hands as he is on his feet.

With a swift block, Mickey Callaghan raises his arm and sucker punches Noah, with a killer right hook that has me cringing in pain. I force myself onto my two legs. Grasping him by the hair I turn Callaghan to face me, raising my hand high, ready to knock his lights out.

“Hold on,” Kenton orders, and I look up. “We need him conscious for questioning.”

I look down at Callaghan who uses the opportunity to spit a mouthful of blood into my face. Grasping his hair tighter I lead him by the head to the edge of the ravine, where I’d fallen.

“Fine,” I say, as Kenton jumps down and pulls out his cuffs, clicking them tightly around his wrist Copyright 2016 - 2024