The Endless Road to Sunshine - Nicky James Page 0,70

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Um, bullshit.” He stepped in front of me, blocking my view and relieving me of my water, setting it aside. There was impatience and eagerness in his eyes when he smushed my cheeks between his palms and shook me. “What did he want? You can’t leave me hanging like this. Dr. Palmer, your wet dream, the guy you’ve been drooling over since the first day of class, sat right beside you in psychology. The whole time. Right beside you. Dude, he isn’t a student. He doesn’t belong there. Then, then, he didn’t leave when it was over. You two hung back for a reason. It was all very conspiratorial. Ever since, you’ve been suspiciously giddy. Tell me!”

It was a losing battle. If Hunter didn’t read it all over my face first, he would know the minute I didn’t go home tonight. It was better if I ensured his confidence, otherwise he might run his mouth to the wrong people. I trusted Hunter and Maverick. We were a tight-knit trio. They wouldn’t do me wrong. They knew about the stolen kiss in the parking lot, but that was it. I couldn’t hide this forever, especially if Dr. Palmer was on board.

“All right, fine.” I glanced around. The bar was packed, but no one was paying us any attention. “But because of the nature of this secret, you need to keep your trap shut, or he could get in a lot of trouble. Hell, I probably could too.”

“Ohmigod, you’re totally gonna get boned by Dr. Palmer.”

“He invited me over.” I grinned facetiously, batting my lashes. “It’s my irresistible charm. He could only hold out so long.”

“Holy shit.” Hunter’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. “I didn’t really think it would happen.” His hands fell to his sides as he shook his head. “I mean, that drunken kiss was one thing, but this.”

I patted his cheek. “Perseverance, my friend. Perseverance.”

“Dude, way to go.” He offered a fist to bump, still with a look of awe on his face. “Does Mav know?”


“Can I tell him?”

“No.” I laughed. “I’ll tell him tomorrow. You have to keep this shit quiet.”

“I will. You know I wouldn’t fuck things up for you.” Hurt flashed in his eyes before he slapped my shoulder and leaned in closer to whisper by my ear. “No details this time, bro. I know you like to broadcast all your scores and make Mav and I sit while you paint vivid, disgusting pictures of your exploits, but, dude, I have to sit in class and look at this guy while he teaches. The last thing I need is to picture him bending you over and”—Hunter shuddered—“you know. Not cool. So not cool.”

I shoved Hunter back a step, and we both laughed. “Fine, I won’t tell you anything. I’ll write it all in my precious sex diary that I keep hidden away between my mattress and box spring. Dear Diary, last night, Jason bent me over his couch and licked my asshole…”

Hunter slapped a hand over my mouth, shoving me against the wall at my back. “No. No ass-licking stories because they give me nightmares. Why is that even a thing? And, dude, his name is Jaxon. Probably don’t say the wrong name in bed, yeah? That’s a good way to kill the mood.”

My face flushed as a jolt of adrenaline tore through me. Hunter didn’t seem to notice. He turned and leaned against the wall beside me, pressed up against my side. That had been a huge slip, but Hunter was none the wiser. It was one thing to tell my best friend about my sexual exploits with our history teacher but a whole other to spill Jason’s secret about his ex. I wasn’t that person. I had no desire to fuck up his life.

“Won’t it be awkward after?” Hunter asked.

My head buzzed, and I couldn’t make sense of the question. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, we both know you like having your fun. Dude, I’m the same way. I get it. But, let’s be honest, you don’t really get serious with guys. You never have. A few weeks of good sex at the most, and then you move on. Or they move on. I know, I know, you want to have his babies, and he’s the hottest thing going right now, but they all are at first, right? Won’t it be awkward afterward? In class? I mean, that guy is responsible for your grade. That’s playing Copyright 2016 - 2024