The Endless Road to Sunshine - Nicky James Page 0,49

my chin was thrilling. There was no disguising his arousal. He could try to talk his way out of this as much as he wanted, but the proof was pressed hard against my thigh.

I untucked his shirt and explored his lower abdomen, inching higher to his chest, groaning into his mouth at the feel of his chest hair and the taut planes of muscle under my fingers. “God, you’re so fucking hot,” I mumbled into our kiss. “I’ve wanted to do this forever.”

I shouldn’t have spoken. The minute the words tumbled from my mouth it was like ice water had been dumped over Jason’s head. He shoved me back, breaking free from my mouth, frantically shaking his head like he’d just woken up and realized what was happening.

“No. This is wrong. I can’t do this. You should go.”

I ignored him, reaching for his shirt, unbuttoning it down the front.

He didn’t stop me.

There was no fight behind his eyes. His words were empty and carried no weight.

When I peeled his shirt open and tried to push it down his arms, he helped, tugging free from the sleeves. I discarded it on the floor and moved in again, taking his willing mouth, swallowing his weak protests, and working the belt buckle loose on his jeans.

He kissed me freely, fiercely, teeth nipping, hands grabbing my face and holding me in place as he ravaged my mouth. Tongue slashing as his chest rumbled with a deep growl that punctuated his hunger.

I got his buckle undone and worked his button free and zipper down.

“We shouldn’t do this,” he said again as his hands dove under my shirt, seeking more skin, then a nipple.

When I wedged my hand down his underwear and took him in hand, he moaned into my mouth and pushed his hips forward, encouraging me to continue. There were no more protests.

I broke free from his mouth and kissed along his bare shoulder, nibbling his collarbone and licking a hot path up his neck to his ear, all while giving him a few awkward tugs within the confines of his pants. He was thick and heavy in my palm, warm and smooth.

“Say my name again,” I breathed against his ear. “Let me hear it. It sounds so good coming from you.”

He grunted, nails grating down my chest as he pinched his eyes closed, biting his lip and trembling at my touch. I wasn’t sure he heard me. He’d slipped into the realm of delirium, riding the sensations.

“Jason. Say my name. Tell me it feels good. Look at me.”

“It feels so good. It’s been so long.” His hoarse voice carried a world of emotions.

“Are you gonna let me take care of you?”

He nodded, dropping his forehead onto my shoulder, hitching his hips, seeking more pleasure. “Please. P-please.”

I pushed his pants and underwear over his hips, shoving them down and giving myself more access. He was fully erect and panting, pushing himself into my hand as he chased the good feelings.

I nudged his face off my shoulder and forced him to look at me. I stared deep into his dark, haunted eyes. Little by little, I watched as pleasure washed away his torment. Every tug made him shiver and gasp. I glanced between us, viewing the spectacle from above as I worked him with my hand.

It wasn’t enough. I licked my lips, wanting more.

Refocusing on his face, I smiled. After one quick peck to his mouth, I dropped to my knees on the tiled floor.

“Oh shit. Oh god… Skylar… Sky…” And there it was. My name, spoken almost reverently.

His hand went to my hair the minute I wrapped my mouth around him, fingers grasping and clinging. Tugging.

I shoved his pants down around his ankles and traced my palms up his muscular thighs as I worked him with my mouth, using suction and my tongue until he trembled.

His grip on my hair tightened, holding me in place. He jerked his hips forward, taking control as he got closer. At one point, he went too deep, making me gag, but I didn’t care. His flavor was rich on my tongue, the weight of him perfect. He whispered my name over and over as he gave in to the moment and let himself be carried away.

How long had it been for him? Was I the first since they’d arrested his monster of a husband? When had that been? I had no clue.

In a few short thrusts, his grip became almost painful as he shoved down my throat one Copyright 2016 - 2024