Enchanting the Duke - Lana Williams Page 0,25

and they shared a smile. “Do you really wish to play charades?”

He considered the question. “I thought it rather entertaining last time.”

“Well then, by all means, let us join in.” Her eyes narrowed as she studied him while they waited for the next round to begin. Lady Beaumont moved to stand next to her husband.

“What?” Douglas asked when Eleanor continued to study him.

“The Dour Duke is not very dour this evening.”

He smiled, realizing it was becoming easier to do so. “I hate to be too predictable.”

She grinned in return. “As do I. Perhaps we can make an impression during charades by doing something out of character.”

He nodded as warmth flowed over him. His duchess was unique and special. Her thoughts were complex, and her empathy for others was admirable. Her merriment didn’t mean she took nothing seriously. Instead, she approached life with an optimism unlike anything he’d ever encountered. He realized that he liked all the different facets of her.

But he still intended to proceed with caution, especially once they returned home. He couldn’t allow anything, including his beautiful wife, to distract him from his goals regarding the duchy. Too many depended on his success.


Eleanor woke the next morning, glanced at the empty pillow next to hers, and sighed with disappointment. She’d thought their relationship was improving and that perhaps their connection was deepening.

Though she told herself not to read too much into his absence this morning, she couldn’t help it. They could’ve lingered in bed together. Thus far, she’d retired for the evening well before him, and she would’ve liked to hear his impressions of the other guests and know what his plans were for the day.

Yet as she considered the events of yesterday, hope had her rising and ringing for her maid. In truth, Douglas had rescued her not once but twice. Surely that meant something.

If only she could be satisfied with what they already had together. The past few days had given her greater insight into her husband. Perhaps this was all he was capable of. Was it any wonder that he was somber given his childhood? She couldn’t expect anything to change over the course of a few days.

Oh, but she had.

Still, she needed to proceed carefully. Reaching for more meant risking her heart. If she failed, the future would be bleak. She might lose everything she’d gained the past few days and more.

Douglas didn’t seem to want anything else from their relationship. Did that mean she shouldn’t either? She needed to remember her responsibilities as she knew nothing would turn Douglas from his. Yet she wanted him to see they could have both. That they were better together and could accomplish more as a true couple privy to each other’s needs and wants.

The more she considered it, the more she was certain this was her chance. She would continue to try to win his heart with whatever opportunity presented itself. Once they left here, her chance would be over, for Douglas would return to working constantly, and she’d rarely see him. This special time together might not happen again.

But she also needed to prepare herself for failure. She couldn’t allow herself to be miserable if she didn’t win his love.

That sounded impossible, she decided as she washed her face. She simply had to succeed. But first, she had to find Douglas.

Babette arrived and helped her dress. Eleanor pinched her cheeks to bring some color to them, thanked the maid, then hurried downstairs.

The hour was still early and only a few of the guests were in the dining room to break their fast. But not Douglas. Nor was Burbridge. Had the pair gone riding again this morning?

She helped herself to the offerings on the sideboard and took a seat.

“Good morning, Lady Rothbury.” Lady Beaumont smiled. “Might I join you?”

“Please do.” Eleanor patted the place beside her. “Are you without your husband as well?”

The lady nodded. “What makes the men decide to go riding so early at this time of year is beyond me. While I enjoy it in the summer months, I prefer to wait during the winter with the hope the temperature will rise.”

Eleanor couldn’t help the pang of hurt that struck. Lady Beaumont obviously knew her husband’s plans. The knowledge made her more aware of the distance between her and Douglas.

“Did Beaumont mention how long he thought they’d be?”

“He said he wasn’t certain. Did Rothbury advise you differently?”

“He didn’t mention a time.” Never mind that he hadn’t mentioned anything at all. How different it

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