Enchanting the Duke - Lana Williams Page 0,13

immediately searched for Eleanor as if she were his safe harbor. He hadn’t allowed himself to walk over to her, especially after his indulgent behavior early that morning. But watching her from a distance was enough to ease his disquiet, no matter how ridiculous that felt.

Eleanor drew a deep breath, then the first notes of the instrument filled the air. Douglas could tell the moment she relaxed into the music. When she added her voice to the song, a strange pressure filled his chest, making him long to draw nearer so he could better watch the nuances of her performance. Her fingers were graceful as they moved over the keyboard, her head tilting slightly, her posture perfect.

He glanced around at the other guests and, by the intent look on their expressions, they were equally enthralled. His gaze shifted back to his wife.

Eleanor was truly beautiful. Her features were pleasing to look upon, but it was the light from within that made her beauty shine. He realized that light had dimmed in recent weeks. To his surprise, he missed it.

Was he the cause of that? Was she unhappy in their marriage?

He shifted uncomfortably at the thought. Though the question had crossed his mind briefly before they’d said their vows, he’d told himself he wasn’t responsible for her joy. He’d made no promises upon their agreement of affection or happiness. Why did her possible unhappiness bother him?

While he wasn’t capable of the cheerfulness she normally displayed, he hadn’t considered that his serious nature might affect her. He frowned. Did his solemnness weigh on her? He had only to think of how his grandfather’s dourness had affected him to know it was possible.

Eleanor glanced up and her eyes met his. Her eyes widened as if she were surprised that he was watching her so closely. Then the pleasure that had lit her face faded. She looked down at the piano keys and continued playing but something was now missing.

Did she think he didn’t approve of her performance because she’d seen him frowning? That couldn’t be further from the truth. The thought was a troubling one, especially when she played and sang so delightfully.

If only he could catch her eye and make his opinion clear. Before he thought twice, he set aside his drink and slowly walked closer, willing her to look at him. His movement caught her attention just as he’d hoped. Her eyes met his once more, her expression puzzled.

He did his best to smile even if the movement felt odd on his lips. Uncertain if that was enough to convey his approval, he gave a single nod as well.

She blinked, appearing nonplussed by his gesture. Then her eyes sparkled once more, followed by a smile, making his own easier. She lifted her chin and as if his appreciation mattered, she played and sang with even greater exuberance.

By the time the last notes lingered in the air, everyone applauded. Not the polite applause one normally gave, but with enthusiasm for a fine performance.

Pride filled him as he watched her nod in acknowledgement and rise. Then her gaze sought his once more. What was the emotion that glittered in her eyes? To his surprise, she moved directly toward him. His heart pounded like a drum. He couldn’t take his eyes from her. Everyone else fell away as she reached his side.

“Well done.” He couldn’t resist the urge to offer her his elbow, needing the physical link that allowed him to claim her. Such a ridiculous thought when she was already his wife. It wasn’t as if her excellent performance had anything to do with him. But that didn’t matter. At this moment, he wanted everyone to know this beautiful, talented woman was his and that he was proud of her.

“Thank you.”

“I had no idea you were hiding such talent,” he murmured, his gaze sweeping over her upturned face. Though he told himself he didn’t approve of physical contact except for the purpose of procreation, he couldn’t deny the contentment that filled him as they stood together with her arm tucked along his side.

“I haven’t performed for some time.” A delicate blush colored her cheeks, and his body stirred in response.

“I hope you find an opportunity to do so again.”

Her lips parted in surprise and all he could think about was taking her mouth with his.

“That was delightful, your grace.” Mrs. Sloane, one of the other guests near Eleanor’s age, joined them. “Truly wonderful. I hope you’ll play for us again before the party’s

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