To Enchant a Dragon by Amanda Milo Page 0,15

hard enough to leave a mark—and then I lave the sting away with my tongue as she shudders under me, her rump shimmying and dancing, cushioning my tensed lower stomach, enticing me to feed her thoroughly abused slit more of my cock.

Finally releasing her mane, I clamp my arm between her breasts, catching hold of her shoulder, and pound into her until she comes, screaming song notes.

When she oozes onto her front, her hips only in the air because I’ve got ahold of them and my thighs are trapping her knees, making her back half stay upright, I pet her sweat-slick spine, loving her smoothness. Loving her swells and curves and the way she jiggles when I pound her.

“Adella, my drhema,” I purr to her. “You are the best mate a male could ever have, and I am proud to call you mine.”

She flops her weight onto one shoulder, rolling herself as much as our joined bodies will allow, and lazily spits her hair out of her mouth. She eyes me with a sincere but hungry expression on her flushed and fetching face. “Kalos,” she pants. “I’m… glad to have you right now too.” Her words are measured, like she feels she should make a similar declaration, even if she can’t give hers the same weight. “Now fuck me.”



Much to my surprise—and much, much, much to my pleasure, Kalos’s moon-induced heat doesn’t let up. It’s worse for him when the red sphere shows brightest in the night sky, burning down on him, but there is no part of the following sun-reigning daytimes when he isn’t desiring to chase me, enter me, his cock seeking relief.

And this, for me, is paradise.

Do you know the reason mermaids hunt ships? Because ships carry men who are starved for the sight of something softer, prettier than their fellow sailors whom they’ve been cooped up with for leagues. A ship that can satisfy a lagoon’s worth of mermaids gets led on a safe path back to the sea. Sailors who don’t satisfy us end up on the rocks.

There is a graveyard of shipwrecks along our rock-ridden coastline.

Which isn’t all bad, as far as we’re concerned. Wrecked ships mean treasure hunting for eternity. But it leaves us forever seeking that next crew of males, eternally hoping the next ship to sail into our waters can satiate us.

In Kalos, however, I have all the man that I need. It’s a heady discovery, and it thrills him when he finds that I’m just as excited to take him as he is to have me. I think at first that he mistakes me to be a shy maiden. In no time, I set him straight.

Water doesn’t return to the little cove, the tide drying up so thoroughly it’s a literal marvel. So we make the cave our nighttime home, and we drink and bathe in the freshwater it provides. I teach him to catch the blind cavefish with human hands, because this I know very well how to do, as I’ve had human hands all my life. And luckily, there is seemingly no end to the see-through fish because Kalos still requires an unbelievable amount of food.

Although perhaps this is partially due to his rigorous, constant workouts. We have so much sex. We have sex again and again, until it turns into something… more.

Soon, I’m not only racing after relief when he’s over me, under me, inside me. I’m forging… a connection.

Connection that only seems to grow stronger and stronger. We don’t only have sex; we’re doing more than merely the mechanics, as pleasurable as the mere mechanics are. Even when our bodies aren’t linked, we stay together, soft whispers and purrs and rumbles between us as we learn each other. During the day, we venture further and further from the cave, Kalos hunting, him allowing himself to be led ever further in the direction of my cove, until we’ve traveled so far that we set ourselves up in a new cave. It feels like a victory, one step closer to my home, although in reality I know it will take us an age to get there on foot. Especially with the rate we’re mating rather than traveling. When our lusts are temporarily slaked, we talk. Kalos asks me about my sisters, and I ask him what it was like to grow up as a dragon.

I have seven sisters: Katiana, Patrice, Nerissa, Pearl, Sirena, Ianthe, and Nixie. We steal each other’s shells and combs and any trinkets we Copyright 2016 - 2024