Empire of Lies - Whitney G. Page 0,60

times,” I say. “But I wanted to make sure I memorized your pattern first. It’s the same every time. Risky-ass moves here or there for shock value—to make me think you’re not afraid to lose, because you think it’s beneath you. For the record, you’re one of the most predictable fucking players I’ve ever shared the board with.”

His lips turn up into a small smile as he looks up at me, but he didn’t let it stay.

“Well done, Meredith.” He pushes the table to the side and closes the gap between us. “I’m impressed.”

“I’m a lot smarter than I look. Ten times smarter than you.”

“A little too far-fetched with the last claim,” he says, then he lets out a sigh. “Do you still trust me?”

“Hell no.”

He smiles. “Well, you’re going to have to, if you want me to tell you the truth about why you’re here.”

“Anything short of you saying, I’m having a psychotic break and will check into an asylum, won’t suffice.”

“It’s a little more complicated than that,” he says, looking deeply into my eyes—forcing my heart to react against my will. The look in his eyes is genuine, and for a split second, he looks like the Michael who I fell for. The Michael who swore he would do anything to protect me.

“You can start talking at any time,” I whisper.

“Not here,” he says, running his fingers through my hair. “We can have this conversation on the way there.”

“Where is there?”

“The next place we have to be,” he says. “It’s going to be a long drive and it’s going to take a few days. Would you like to come with me?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Not if you want answers,” he says. “Pack whatever you need by midnight.” He steps back and walks away.



I should’ve known better…

The moment we got into Michael’s car, he turned into a mute. He didn’t offer up any answers, didn’t address any of my questions. Instead, he drove me to a small airport hangar near the river, where a salt and pepper haired pilot flew us “closer to the west.”

He didn’t speak to me on the plane at all—save for a “Try not to move so much,” upon landing near an abandoned football field.

From there, he took our bags and ushered me into where we are now—sitting side by side in silence, in an unmarked car that’s speeding down an empty highway.

“I really do love you,” he says, finally breaking the ice. “I fucked up by doing so, but I want you to know that. No matter what, that’s the truth.”

“It’s going to take me a lot more time to say those words to you again.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because husbands who love their wives, typically don’t treat them like pets and keep them like protected hostages.”

“No, they just protect them from anyone who tries to hurt them,” he says. “I’ve done that.”

“Why do you keep saying this shit?” I snap. “The only thing you’ve done is hurt and manipulate me time and time again. One minute you love me, the next you leave me wondering when’s the next time I’ll see you again—all while saying how grateful I should be that you took me away from my life.”

“Someone took out a hit on your fucking life, Meredith,” he hissed, swerving and pulling the car over on the side of the road. “Someone wanted you murdered—dead and gone, chopped up in fucking pieces to where you’d never be found for years. So, that’s why I keep saying this shit. Because I stepped in and saved you from that.”

“What?” My mind begins spinning, and I refuse to believe that. I haven’t hurt anyone, or done anything that heinous to deserve to be murdered.

At least, I don’t think… “There was this guy in Club Swan. Long story short, I stole some money from people who owed him and he made me give it back. But maybe he decided that wasn’t enough? Maybe he wanted to end my life?”

“Rio Warren is not the type to want anyone dead,” he says. “He only cares about money.”

“Then, who would honestly want me gone then?” I shrug. “That just doesn’t make any sense. If you let me see your cell phone, I can call my dad and see if he has any enemies. He’ll be elated to know I’m okay, but he’ll be upset about this for sure. I know my aunt and I don’t get along, but it’s not on that level. I mean, at this point, I’m more willing to believe

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