Empire of Lies - Whitney G. Page 0,32

A new text from her.

Meredith: The only way I would even consider going out with you again—on New Year’s Eve, Mr. “I Own This City,” is if you suggested something other than a bar. Something nice that would truly make it up to me, preferably something that would show a hint of how much you supposedly ‘own’ this city.

Jameson (Me): When exactly did I say that I ‘owned’ this city?

Meredith: Last week. You said you get into all of the best clubs for free because you know all the owners. Would you like me to send you a screenshot?

Jameson (Me): Yes, please.

She sends it within seconds, and his words from a thread he’d long deleted make me roll my eyes at first sight.

Jameson (Me): Trust me, sexy girl. Everyone in this city knows about me or my firm. That’s how I roll. Whenever I do take an off day, I can show up to any of the top clubs here and get into them without saying a word. Every club manager knows me by name and BEGS me to drop money in their clubs.

I shake my head. I’d never heard of him until last week. The moment I saw him on the national offenders’ report and saw he’d be in my city, I’d immediately put him on my club’s never-let-him-in list.

Meredith: Should I assume that you were making that up just as much as our date tonight?

Jameson (Me): Not at all. I have a table for New Year’s Eve at Fahrenheit 900. I’ll send you a reservation confirmation. We can meet there and I’ll make this up to you.

Bad boy…


Before We “Met”

(Well, Slightly After)

This woman is definitely going to be a problem…

Meredith stands in the doorway of the penthouse suite, her stunning brown eyes looking into mine—searching for a way to extend our conversation for several more seconds. For the past several hours, I’d fucked her all over the room. I’d devouring her pussy repeatedly, made her come on almost every surface, and forced her to scream my name at the top of her lungs each time.

I’ve officially broken every rule in my book, shattered every personal law.

“Why are you leaving right now?” she asks. “Right when you think I’m sleeping...”

“You were sleeping.” I trailed her lip. “I told you to stay in the bed.”

“I was listening to you talk until you stopped.” She smiles, cementing her title as the sexiest woman I have ever met. “I don’t think I’ve ever talked so much in between sex this much.”

“Me either…”

“You could finish telling me about your tattoos or your travels,” she said. “Or I could tell you a secret about what I do on the side when I’m not working at Vogue.”

“I already know about that.”

“Huh?” She raised her eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I already know what you do when you’re not working,” I said, quickly thinking of a way to recover from that near-reveal. “You swipe left on every guy you see on Tinder.”

She laughed. “No, not that. If you come back in, I can—”

I cut her off with a kiss, silencing her sentence before she can talk me into staying. Before she can make me lose what’s left of my dwindling restraint. I want this night to last longer, just as much as she does, but I can’t.

“Have a good night, Meredith,” I say, slowly pulling away from her. “Happy New Year.”

“You’re really not going to come back in and help me christen a few more services in this four-thousand-dollar a night room?” she asks, her cheeks red. “I didn’t get a chance to do as much on you…”

“The penthouse suite is forty thousand dollars a night.” I step back, beyond tempted. “And no, I won’t come back at all.”

I walk away from her before she can ask another question, before I can go against my better judgment and end this night buried deep in her pussy. Pressing the elevator button, I stare at her until the doors glide open, taking her in for what should be the last time.

As the car goes down, I try to convince myself that what I’ve done is okay. That months from now, when she sees me again, she won’t suspect anything until I stuff her into the back of a van and make her disappear for a while.

When I make it to the lobby, I pull out my personal cell phone and notice a new text message from the only person who has this number. My brother.

Trevor: I had one of

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