Empire of Ivory Page 0,89

queasy kerosene smell of dragon-breath came in upon them as he roared furiously, and the faint undertaste of rot from old meals. "Hold fast, men," Riggs was yelling, by the entrance, "hold fast, wait for it - " until the dragon shifted his position, his open jaws before them, and the volley went off into the soft flesh of its mouth.

The dragon squalled in fury and jerked back. His talons came scrabbling in at the edges of the hole, too large to come all the way inside, and began to pull and claw at the rock. Small pebbles and stones worked loose; dirt rained down upon them from the ceiling. Laurence looked around for Mrs. Erasmus: she was silent, and only bracing herself against the wall of the cavern for steadiness, her shoulders rigid. The riflemen were coughing as they reloaded urgently; but the dragon had already learnt, and did not present them another target. Its claws came curling in on both sides of the fissure, and then it began to throw its weight back, until all the chamber trembled and groaned.

Laurence drew his sword and leaped forward to hack at the talons, then to stab, the hard scaly flesh resisting the edge but not the point; Warren was beside him, and Ferris, in the dark. The dragon roared again outside and flexed its talons, blindly knocking them down as easily as gnats might be swatted. The hard polished bony curve of one claw slid across Laurence's coat in a line over the belly, thrusting him hard against the matted cavern floor, and the tip caught and pulled a long green thread from the seam as the talons withdrew again from the fissure.

Warren caught Laurence by the arm and together they staggered back from the entry. The gunpowder smoke was bitter and acrid, overlaid on the rotting-sweet stink of the mushrooms; already Laurence could scarcely breathe for the slaughterhouse thickness of the place, and he heard to all sides men heaving, like the lower decks of a ship in a roaring gale.

The feral did not immediately renew the attack. They cautiously crept forward again to peer out: he had settled himself in the clearing outside; by bad luck, far back enough to be out of firing-range of their rifles, and his pale yellow-green eyes were fixed malevolently upon the fissure. He was licking at his hacked-about talons, and making grimaces with his mouth, pulling his lips back from his serrated teeth and forward again, spitting occasionally a little bit of blood upon the ground, but plainly he had taken no great harm. As they watched, he raised his head up and roared again thunderously in anger.

"Sir, we might put gunpowder in a bottle," his gunner Calloway said, crawling over to Laurence, "or the flash-powder, maybe, would give him a start; I have the sack here - "

"We are not going to frighten that beauty away with a little flash and bang, not for long," Chenery said, craning his head back and forth to study their enemy. "My God. Fifteen tons at least, or I miss my guess: fifteen tons in a feral!"

"I would call it closer to twenty, and damned unfortunate, too," Warren said.

"We had better save what you have, Mr. Calloway," Laurence said to the gunner. "It will do us no good only to startle him away briefly; we must wait until the dragons return, and reserve our fire to give them support."

"Oh, Christ; if Nitidus or Dulcia are the first back," Warren said, and did not need to continue: the little dragons would certainly be frantic, and wholly overmatched.

"No; they will all be loaded down, remember?" Harcourt said. "The weight will tell on the light-weights more, and keep them back; but however are they to fight when they get here - "

"Lord, let us not be borrowing trouble, if you please," Chenery interrupted. "That big fellow is no trained flyer; a nice thing if four dragons of the Corps couldn't black his eye in a trice, even if Messoria and Immortalis don't come along. We have only to keep quiet in here until they come."

"Captain," Dorset said, stumbling back towards them, "I am - I beg to recall your attention - the floor of the cavern - "

"Yes," Laurence said, recalling the earlier sample which Dorset had shown him, of the dung upon the floor of the cave, elephant and dragon, where neither animal could have managed entry. "Do you mean there is another way into this cavern

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