The Emperor's Wolves (Wolves of Elantra #1) - Michelle Sagara Page 0,84

of your kind. We accept that it exists, but we do not always understand the complexities and the layers.”

“You think we’re all insane.”

“Isolation would drive any of my kin to madness. We do not understand how your kin have survived without destroying themselves utterly—but we understand that they have. So, too, the Barrani.”

“We don’t trust.”

“No. And perhaps that is safest. But I think many of you desire to be able to trust—to find the person or people that you can. And I believe, if you had always had those people in your lives, you would not—or your criminals would not—become what they become. It is hard to feel isolated, to feel unloved, unsupported, unheard.”

Severn nodded.

“I will search. For this request, the Tha’alanari have not united against me, and I doubt they will.”

* * *

“Your cub,” Helmat said, as he viewed Records in his office, “is surprising.”

“He is hardly mine.”

“We were all, at one time or another, yours. None of us were given the mission he’s been given.”

Elluvian nodded. “He believes his status as an outsider allows him to look at things differently.”

“And you?”

“I think he’s wrong.”

“Ybelline is taken with him.”

Elluvian shook his head. “Ybelline is taken with the fact that he doesn’t fear her. He knows that she knows what he did, but he doesn’t react with guilt in her presence. He doesn’t assume that her knowledge now gives her the unavoidable right to judge him. His fears don’t warp her behavior in his mind. And the Tha’alani consider mortal—and Immortal—fear to be poison. He is, in my estimation, a gift to her. She does not fear to touch his thoughts or his memories.

“He does not fear to expose them to her. She will be castelord,” Elluvian continued, looking at the Records that Helmat had called up. “And her view of Severn will color all their views, both of the boy and of the Wolves.”

“Garadin is never going to like me.”

“No. But that has never been your concern.”

Helmat’s grin was a wolf’s grin. “The Imperial Service doesn’t like the request Severn made. At all.”

“You might consider being less gleeful. Will they block it?”

“They made one attempt.”

Elluvian looked at the mirror. “Ybelline will be a remarkable castelord, in my opinion.” She had overruled the Imperial Service refusal by claiming laws of exemption with regards to the information Severn sought. “I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you amused by the invocation of laws of exemption.”

“It’s the first time they’ve been used in our favor,” the Wolflord replied, grinning broadly.

* * *

“You said the Hawks are the investigative branch of the Halls?” Severn asked Elluvian the next morning.

Elluvian nodded.

“Would they investigate these people if we requested it?”

“They investigate crimes after they have been discovered. If you could tie these people to current crimes, yes, absolutely. If you want a meandering investigation about theoretical crimes, it’s unlikely. Although the Hawks, like the Wolves, serve the Emperor, our functions are different, and there is some rivalry. Why are these people significant?”

“They were witnesses in eight of the mob-fueled killings.”

“The same ones?”

“No, but there’s some overlap.”

“They are mortal.”

“Yes.” Severn hesitated and then said, “One is dead. He was knifed on his way home, and left to bleed out his life in the street. Records: morgue report.” Severn had been allowed to access Records using Elluvian’s permissions.

Elluvian listened to the dry report. The man had been killed quickly and efficiently. The killing blow had been struck first; the half-dozen other wounds had been made afterward, while the man was still alive, but dying. All of the wounds had occurred, in the morgue’s opinion, from the same weapon.

No assailant had been caught.

“This occurred six days ago,” Severn said, although Elluvian could see the same information Severn could. “Very shortly after Timorri made the connection between one crime and another.”

“Timorri has not returned to active duty.”

Severn nodded.

“This is not good. Yes, the Hawks will investigate. Don’t expect gratitude from Hawks.”

Severn shook his head. “I don’t want to be on Record as the Wolf making the request. I’m on probation. Even if I wanted the credit, I’m not technically allowed.”

“You don’t want the girl to know that you’re here.”

Severn didn’t prevaricate. “I don’t want her to know I’m here. She’s got a home here. She’s mostly happy. She’s safe.”

“You think she’ll flee?”

“Or try to kill me, yes.” Something in his face implied that death at her hands would almost be a relief.

“I will deal with the request.”

“You’ll make it?”

“Absolutely not. But I will have Helmat pass Copyright 2016 - 2024