Emmitt's Treasure - Melissa Haag Page 0,80

crouched low and growled at the intruders.

She stared them down, but neither werewolf budged. Without a doubt she was trying to command them still. For several minutes, they remained locked in a silent standoff while I scanned the darkness for signs of any more mutts. Although Winifred continued to growl occasionally, they did nothing.

“What’s going on?” Michelle whispered behind me.

“She’s trying to talk to them through her link.”

One of the wolves barked a laugh, a guttural taunting sound, and Winifred let out another furious snarl. Her muscles bunched a second before she launched herself at them. The half-changed werewolves burst into their own fur, meeting her onslaught.

The three collided with an audible thud. Michelle gripped my shoulder.

“Help her, Emmitt,” she said.

“Michelle, she’s an Elder. She has more strength than Jim and I do combined, more than enough to take care of those two and several more. You need me more than she does.”

Thinking the fight might be a distraction, I kept my gaze on the woods. Nothing moved in the darkness.

Michelle leaned into me, trembling, and I took a moment to assess the fight. Winifred was easily evading their efforts to turn her for their advantage. When she caught one by the throat, I went back to watching the trees.

Why would two Forlorn approach a house with an Elder and two adult males? If Blake wanted Michelle back, surely he would know it would take more than two mutts to get past Winifred.

A high-pitched continuous yelp of pain filled the clearing. I didn’t look. The noise of the fight continued for a few moments then quieted. When I glanced at Winifred, she was crouched, waiting for the two panting fighters to rush her again. But they didn’t. They turned and ran.

Winifred took off after them, almost catching them at the edge of the yard. There she stopped and paced.

This doesn’t make sense, she sent to me.

I agree. If Blake wanted her back tonight, he would have sent a larger force.

Perhaps these two were a test, and more are waiting. I think it best we leave now before they can return.

I turned toward Michelle, keeping my expression calm.

“Let’s go inside. The kids heard some of the noise and are scared.”

And they were. Jim had brought them down the steps midway through the fight and was with them in Winifred’s place.

Michelle whirled around and ran inside. As soon as the boys saw her, they jumped off Jim’s lap and ran for Michelle.

“I’m here,” she said, dropping to her knees so she could hug them.

I stayed in the door, watching the three of them. So much fear again.

Why now? I sent Winifred. There wasn’t a sign of them for weeks. Now, just after Mary and Gregory’s visit, they show up? Do you think they were watching the Compound, waiting to follow them here?


Jim stood and picked a bit of Winifred’s cardigan out of Michelle’s hair. She seemed slightly surprised to see it. He moved away to get Winifred’s robe, and I stood guard over the three still huddled on the floor.

“Are they gone?” Liam asked, his face still buried.

“Yeah, buddy. Nana chased them away,” Michelle said.

Liam lifted his head to look over her shoulder at me. I smiled at him and winked. He didn’t seem convinced, though. Aden didn’t lift his head until Winifred and Jim walked in.

“Chasing away those dogs gave me an idea,” Winifred said, looking at the boys with a calm smile. “You haven’t yet met Jim and Emmitt’s parents. They live with several other families in a house bigger than this one. Paul and Henry live there, too, as do some much nicer dogs. So, I think we should take a vacation and visit them. In fact, we should make it an adventure and go tonight. Should we let Jim come with us?”

They both nodded.

“Should we have Jim and Emmitt race to see who can pack first?”

This time Aden pulled away a little, slightly interested.

“To make this fair, we’ll have Emmitt pack for your sister and Liam. Jim, you go pack for Aden and grab all personal effects.”

Aden cheered in approval and began telling Jim where his things were so he could win.

Winifred looked at me. Pack up everything you can. We won’t return until we know who Blake is and how many he has with him.

I gave a slight nod and left the room, knowing Winifred would keep them safe. Jim and I gathered what few personal belongings we all had and loaded them into the car and

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