Emilie & the Hollow World - By Martha Wells Page 0,91

men were held prisoner.

It wasn't that she was suspicious... But this was an odd time for the Sovereign's aetheric sorcerer to go missing, even temporarily. If, just say if, Lord Engal sends a sailor with a note, asking for the figures, she thought, Dr. Barshion pretends it's asking him to come to the wheelhouse, and no one knows where he is. That would be one reason for Lord Ivers to put himself in Lord Engal's power, if he had a man on the inside, someone who could help him... Do what? Escape after we get to the surface? she wondered.

You've read too many novels, Emilie. But now the thought was like an itch in a place you weren't allowed to scratch in public. I'll just take a look at the guards to make sure everything is all right.

She went down the stairs. There was a short corridor at the bottom, but only one open hatchway along it. She headed toward it, prepared to say that Lord Engal had sent her to see if everything was all right. Though that was a little unlikely. Maybe she could say...

Emilie froze in the hatchway, staring. The four crewmen left to guard the hold lay sprawled on the floor, and the door behind them was wide open. They were wearing only their shirts and drawers; their uniform jackets and trousers were missing.

It took her a full minute to believe her eyes. Especially since Dr. Barshion was also sprawled on the floor near the crewmen, a bloody gash in his forehead.

He stirred and moaned a little, and Emilie hurriedly knelt beside him and patted his cheek, demanding, “Dr. Barshion, are you all right? What happened?”

Barshion groaned, his eyelids fluttering. He said, “I told him I wouldn't do it. Sabotage, slowing Engal down, that was what he paid me for, not murder. I'm not-” His eyes opened and he focused on her. He grabbed her arm, hard enough to hurt, and gasped, “Stop him. Separating the vessels, it could kill everyone aboard...”

Dr. Barshion slumped back, his eyes closed, and Emilie shot to her feet. She ducked back out to the corridor and tore up the stairs. She wanted to shriek at the top of her lungs for help, but if the escaped prisoners were nearby, they could catch her, stop her from warning the others. Lord Ivers had had a crew of nine besides himself, though only four would have Sovereign uniforms; it was mainly those four she was worried about.

She ran down the aetheric compartment corridor, reaching the startled sailor guarding the engine. She stepped into the doorway, where Ricard and Mr. Abendle were checking dials and writing down the readings. She said breathlessly, “Lord Ivers' men escaped! You have to lock yourselves in until they're caught.”

They both looked up, incredulous. Mr. Abendle said, “What? Escaped?”

Already backing away, Emilie said, “The guards were drugged, knocked out, I have to warn everyone- No, you stay there!” she added as the sailor started to follow her. “Guard the engines!” Running for the stairwell, she hoped he listened to her.

She ran up the stairs and paused on each landing to look down the corridors, but she didn't see any other crewmen to alert. She reached the second deck and hesitated, torn between running up to the wheelhouse to give the warning and going immediately to the airship. No, better go to the airship first. She would alert them and then take the word up to Lord Engal. The airship was far more vulnerable than the wheelhouse.

Emilie ran lightly down the corridor, her bare feet making little noise. Losing her boots was standing her in good stead now. The ship was still quiet except for the distant engine noise, but now that seemed sinister rather than serene. As she reached the outer corridor, the one that ran parallel to the deck, she saw the nearest hatch was partly open. Uh oh. She was certain Captain Belden had ordered all hatches be kept closed. It was possible whoever had taken the last message to Dr. Marlende had left it open. Possible, but not likely, Emilie thought grimly. She flattened herself against the wall and peered through the opening.

The first thing she saw was Daniel, standing on the airship's catwalk above the steps that led down to the ship's deck. A sailor in the dark Sovereign crew uniform was just starting up toward him.

Emilie's eyes narrowed, then she swore in recognition. It was Cavin, the man who had guarded Rani's prison

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