Emilie & the Hollow World - By Martha Wells Page 0,81

shore of a cove area, outlined by the lights of the smaller skiffs and rafts that had drawn up along its beach. Seth said, “That cove has a passage in through the canyon wall, to a small protected harbor where the nomads leave their boats. There's a stairway down to the valley floor.”

“Yes, it must be the site of the main attack,” Dr. Marlende said. “She must be using the Sovereign to block any attempt at escape. Hopefully Engal wasn't forced to give them any rifles.”

Then Daniel said, “I've got the Sovereign!” The wireless was now clicking back at him. Seth stepped to the cabinet and picked up a pencil and pad.

“They're very glad to hear from us,” Daniel muttered, his expression preoccupied as he hurriedly translated the code into words.

Dr. Marlende said, “Tell them we've recovered all our companions from the nomads, including the Cirathi and young Emilie here, and that my daughter is not being held hostage by the Queen. Ask if they are free to break away from the fleet.”

Seth scribbled down the message, converted it to code, and showed Daniel, who tapped it out on the wireless. The answer came quickly, and after a moment Daniel translated, “They're free to break away, if you're certain the Queen doesn't have Miss Marlende and Emilie. She was threatening to kill them unless the Sovereign cooperated.”

Dr. Marlende glanced at Rani and Emilie. Rani said, “Lord Ivers has her, we are certain.”

Dr. Marlende nodded to Daniel, who tapped out a brief assent. The reply was longer in coming. Seth translated it, saying, “They say if we can distract the ships around them, they should be able to break free.”

“Tell them to expect a distraction in the next few minutes,” Dr. Marlende said, and turned the wheel.

The deck tilted under Emilie's feet as the airship turned, angling down. She managed to catch herself on a console without turning any of the knobs. She retreated to the doorway where Rani was holding on. Emilie asked, “Are you going to use magic to distract them?” She was thinking the illusory fire could be very effective dropping out of the sky.

Dr. Marlende took the airship into a long dive. “I hope we don't have to. I'd like to conserve my resources for the moment. But I think the flares should suffice. Seth, could you...?”

Phosphorus flares proved even more effective than bright illusions, as Seth, Rani, Mikel, and two other Cirathi tossed them off the catwalk. They ignited directly over the Sealands’ ships, lighting up the sky and causing confusion and terror. Emilie and the others watched from the windows as one long warship sideswiped another and broke off a whole bank of oars. She lost sight of the Sovereign, but then realized that in the midst of the chaos, it had doused its electric running lights and must be steaming for the open sea.

Emilie hurried back to the steering cabin in time to hear Daniel's report from the wireless: “The Queen's naval commander forced them to abandon the Lathi before the battle, and they anchored it off a small island a few miles from here. They're going to retrieve it now before the Queen's forces get re-organized enough to order a pursuit.”

“Oh, I don't think they'll pursue us,” Dr. Marlende said, bringing the airship around for a pass over the other section of the fleet. “The Nomads should take this opportunity to counter-attack. I know Prince Ise has forces hanging back to the south. I should think they'll all be quite occupied for a while. Tell the Sovereign to meet us-”

The wireless interrupted with a sudden series of clicks. Daniel frowned, startled. “That's not...” He scribbled hastily on his pad, then checked the code book. He looked up. “A ship called the Philosopher's Quest?”

Emilie shook her head, baffled, as Daniel hurriedly transcribed another message. Then his jaw set, and he said grimly, “It's a request for assistance. From Lord Ivers.”


They met up with the Sovereign hours later, as the eclipse was passing away across the sea. The spot they had chosen was a low-lying island some distance from the Nomads' fortress. As the airship reached it, Emilie could see the Aerinterre aether current in the sky, the solid band of heavy gray cloud with the translucent column stretching up from it, vanishing high in the air.

Not having to worry about navigating shoals, the airship had arrived first. Dr. Marlende lowered it far enough to drop the ladder, so Seth, Cobbier, Daniel, and a

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