The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,89

think the rebels will help make Ireland a free nation?” asked Beth.

“I don’t agree with their tactics. Killing and violence will only perpetuate hate in the younger generations. But there are others here in Ireland, such as our politician Daniel O’Connell, who are fighting for our cause within the halls of the British Parliament. I think there is hope that someday we’ll have a political solution and finally see a free Ireland.

“So tell me, what has happened since you last wrote?”

Beth removed her hat and placed it on the seat beside her. “Well, let me see. Colin is now a Member of Parliament for Simcoe County and is doing quite well in the world of politics. He has a beautiful wife and two young daughters. He and his family send their love to you.”

“Colin, a politician.… I would never have guessed. I’m so glad that he’s happy.”

“And all three of my beautiful children have now left home. Francis and Jamie are now working in Toronto, and my youngest, Johanna, married a lawyer, and she is now living in New York City.”

“Ah, New York City,” Jamie said wistfully. “I remember all too well Shane rowing me across the Niagara River and then the journey along the Erie Canal to New York City for the journey home. But how are you doing? It must be difficult for you, being on your own now.”

Beth nodded, taking a deep breath. “It’s been a year since my Richard passed away. It became simply too quiet for me in our large Dundas home. I sold the house and his lumber business last month. Then I told my family that I was going to take some of the money from the sale to visit an old friend in Ireland.”

He took her hand. “I am so sorry about your loss. Richard sounded like a good man.”

“He was, Jamie. Thank you.”

There was a moment of reflection before Beth changed the subject. “I still can’t believe that the Brotherhood has allowed me to join you here on this journey.”

“I’m not surprised,” he laughed. “It’s their way of thanking you for your heroics in Canada.”

Beth smiled. “I’ve dreamt about this moment my entire life. Does this mean that the treasure will soon be revealed to the world?”

Jamie shook his head. “It’s the same situation as it’s always been. When our entire island is under self-rule, the Brotherhood will reveal the treasure.”

“So the world still has to wait.”

“At least we still have a map to the treasure. You saved my life more than once, and in doing so, you saved the treasure.”

“You know I saved you only for the sake of the treasure,” she teased.

Jamie laughed. Beth was like a breath of fresh air into his usual stodgy existence as a cardinal. “I’m so glad you came to visit.”

The coach suddenly came to a jarring stop.

“Do you trust me?” he asked.

“Do I trust you?” she repeated. “Of course, I trust you! I’ve only ridden in a window-covered coach alone with you for just over an hour. Why do you ask?”

“Because of this.”

He pulled a silk scarf from his pocket and covered her eyes. “I’m sorry about the blindfold. It’s for everyone’s protection.”

“It’s all right,” she said. “I completely understand. Just don’t you get any un-cardinal-like ideas while I’m blindfolded, young man.”

Jamie laughed. “I know this will be difficult for you, but there’s to be no more talking until I take the blindfold off.”

Beth laughed. “No promises!”

He took her hand. Beth couldn’t see a thing. Upon leaving the carriage, she could hear forest noises and the wind whistling through the trees. She could smell decaying wood and the slight nose-tickling smell of wood smoke. They walked for almost ten minutes before he brought her to a stop. The sound of brushing followed by the scraping noise of a stone made her think that some sort of passageway was being revealed. She then felt his hand take hers once again as he led her down a flight of steep stairs. She could hear a match being struck and then another. Suddenly, there were fingers behind her head, lightly touching her hair. The blindfold loosened and fell to her shoulders. She gasped at the underground vault sparkling with gold, jewels, and exquisite works of religious art. And the books! Hundreds upon hundreds of books were lined up along shelves that extended well into the distant gloom of the underground vault. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the ancient text they had rescued from the fires Copyright 2016 - 2024