The Emerald Key - By Christopher Dinsdale Page 0,81

I shall, in turn, respect His decision and do the same. All I want is the book, and then you and the children can go free.”

“But the book alone is no good to you,” argued Jamie. “Having it in your possession will not get you any closer to the treasure.”

The stranger scratched his chin in thought. “Ah yes, you are speaking of the other keys to the treasure. It’s true that you need all of the keys in order to find the treasure’s location, but I have also discovered that without the book, the other keys will be rendered useless. So that will put the Brotherhood in a rather awkward pickle.… Are they going to share some of the treasure with me to get their book back, or will they allow the treasure to become lost forever? I’m betting that members of the Brotherhood are reasonable folk. They will surely come to see the situation my way. All I’m asking for is enough treasure so that I can live the rest of my life in reasonable comfort. And if the Brotherhood chooses to be stubborn in this matter, then I will at least have in my possession a book that could fetch a very hefty price from a private collector.

“With the sale of the book, I’m afraid that the Brotherhood’s secret of an Irish treasure will finally be out in the open. Treasure hunters from all over the world will descend upon your tiny little island. They will tear apart every inch of countryside looking for it, and they are very good at what they do. I can guarantee, the treasure will be found, if not by me, then by one of them. So really, I am offering the much better alternative. All I’m asking for is a cut of the least important pieces of the treasure and then you monks can keep the rest. Its location will remain a secret for as long as you want.”

“We’re talking about the national treasure of an entire country,” hissed Jamie. “You have no right to take any of it for yourself.”

The stranger waved his gun. “I think I’ll let the other members of the Brotherhood make that decision. Now, Mr. Galway, hand me the book. Even though I don’t want to use force, you may leave me with no alternative.”

Sitting on a large rock, Beth and Colin soon came to realize that Ryan had led them to an almost magical fishing location. They barely had to dip their worms into the rippling rapids of the creek before their rod would snap down with a tremendous hit. Squealing with delight, the children pulled up trout after sparkling trout.

Beth couldn’t contain her smile. Since being orphaned from her parents two years previously, she had never been happier. She finally felt important and needed. She had saved Jamie’s life from a fiery disaster, and now she was witness to a wonderful reunion with his brother. Sitting cross-legged, she silently hoped that these times would never end, that their adventure could continue on forever and ever.

Beth sighed. She also knew that was just silly daydreaming. Jamie, from the very beginning, had said that he needed to go back home to Ireland. She couldn’t bear the thought of not being with him any longer. Besides her family, she had never been closer to anyone in her whole life. Beth made her decision. She would go back to Ireland with Jamie. That seemed like such a crazy thought, but she could think of no alternative. Yes, he was a priest, but she cared so much for him, perhaps she could join a nunnery so that they could still be together in some way. Then, she remembered the ashen faces of her parents, their spirits slipping away from her down in the dark putrid belly of the ship. Her parents had died trying to get her away from that diseased island, and now she was determined to go back. Her heart broke as she contemplated her dilemma. But what else could she do?

Above her on the hill, she had seen Jamie and Ryan walk by as they caught up on all of the activities of the past few weeks. She couldn’t imagine their happiness. What would it feel like to be reunited with members of her family, her mom or dad, after she thought that they had passed away? What would be the very first words she would share with them? How different would her future be?

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